Leadership @ MPS

We’ve had another busy term! We are excited to share some of the fantastic progress around our school as well as a glimpse into what Term 4 will bring. Time is certainly marching by quickly.



New Front Entrance 

Our new front entrance looks amazing! It’s already making a great impression, though we’re still working on completing the garden surrounding it. We invite you to join us for a Working Bee on Saturday, 26th October to help plant out the garden and give the entrance its finishing touch. New signage is on its way and will complete the transformation of our entrance area. Stay tuned for updates!  


We have been recently informed by the VSBA and Minister's office that the official opening of The Discovery Centre will take place on Friday, 18th October at 2:30pm. We are not sure what this event will look like at this stage, but if you would like to attend, please pencil it into your diary. 


Asphalt Works

During the upcoming holidays, we’ll be resurfacing the front area of the school, ensuring our students have safer and smoother spaces to enjoy and play.


SAKG Garden Completion

Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden will be completed early next term, bringing even more hands-on learning opportunities for our students. Thank you to Elisa and Claire for all their hard work in planning and bringing these spaces to life. 


Indigenous Mural and House T-Shirts

After much searching, we’re thrilled to have recently secured a renowned artist, Nathan Patterson, who will be creating some Indigenous murals that aim to celebrate our connection to country and culture. Nathan is also working on some vibrant designs for some new house t-shirts that we will hopefully have ready by the start of the 2025 school year! 


Nathan is creating these pieces specifically for us here at Monty Primary and we can't wait to see them! To learn more about Nathan’s incredible artistry, check out the his Artist 'Spotlight' here or search 'Diwana Dreaming' on socials.


Term 4 Assembly Time

As ISS has now finished for the year, our Friday assemblies will return to being held in the last session (from 2:45pm) of the day on assembly weeks. Please remember this if planning to attend next term.



It’s been a busy and productive term, and we’re looking forward to seeing the results of these exciting projects. Thank you to everyone who has supported the school’s growth and improvement so far this year!


A glimpse into Term 4:  (please see detail on the dates page) 

5/6 Bike Ed

Kaboom Sports Day

Working Bee

Country and Culture day

STEM afternoon

Crazy Hair Day

Weekend Japanese Cooking class for parents and carers 

Grade 3 & 5 Day camps

Grade 4 camp

and then there's December.... 


MPS Leadership Structure

Janene Worsam, Principal (Wed - Fri)janene.worsam@education.vic.gov.au

Paul Wickham, Principal (Mon, Tues) and 

Assistant Principal

Matt Lewis, Learning Specialist (Curriculum)matthew.lewis@education.vic.gov.au
Ady Wall, Disability Inclusion and Wellbeing adrienne.wall@education.vic.gov.au