Leadership's Letter


Welcome back to Term 4 and trust that the holiday time was an opportunity for some rest and relaxation. Thankyou to the parents and staff that supported the VCE students in completing trial exams during the term break. The opportunity to complete these exams under VCAA conditions and then be provided with feedback is invaluable to the students as they strive to produce their absolute best in the upcoming final exams. The start of term four very much signals the end of 13 years of school education for our graduating class of 2023. We look forward to them finishing their time at Mazenod with gratitude and dignity which will be highlighted at the significant upcoming events, Night of Excellence, the Final Assembly and the Valedictory Mass and Dinner. All three events will acknowledge in separate ways the significance of completing Year 12 at Mazenod College.

2024 College Leaders

We would like to thank our 2023 Year 12 Leadership and Prefect team led by College Captain Joshua Wilton. They have certainly embraced the Year 12 College Guiding Principle “Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve.” They will now be handing over their duties to the newly elected leaders. Congratulations to the following students that have been appointed 2024 College Leaders. 


College Captain:

Ryan Peiris



Bradly Bettiol

Sean Iyer

Aditya Krishna Moorthy


Head Prefects:

Bradley Lopez

Andrew Warren Samuel



Roberto Di Giovine

Eldrich Kiswardi

Performing Arts Festival

Term 3 certainly ended on a high with the annual Performing Arts Festival taking place in the Founders Complex. A wide array of talent from Year 7 to 12 was displayed on the night, brilliantly hosted by our senior drama students. Thank you to the staff that organised the festival under the leadership of Ms Felicity Kamevaar.

Gratitude - Character Strength

Fittingly our final character strength of the week, the last for Year 12 is Gratitude. The character strength of gratitude involves feeling and expressing a deep sense of thankfulness in life, and more specifically, taking the time to genuinely express thankfulness to others. This thankfulness can be for specific gifts or thoughtful acts. It could also more generally reflect recognition of what that person contributes to your life. What marks gratitude is the psychological response: the transcendent feeling of thankfulness, the sense of having been given a gift by that person or event. Grateful people experience a variety of positive emotions, and those emotions inspire them to act in more virtuous ways – humbler, more persistent, or kinder. Gratitude tends to foster the character strengths of kindness and love, and therefore is strongly associated with empathy and with connection to others. This character strength is highly valued and encouraged at Mazenod each and every day as part of our Visible Wellbeing approach.







Tim Ford

Deputy Principal (Students)