
Over the course of Thursday and Friday during Week 2, the Student Leadership Team for 2024 was privileged enough to attend the Student Leadership Workshop, located at the Edmund Rice Retreat and Conference Centre, Mulgoa. The program, which was led by Mr Herro and Ms Fisicaro, was immensely valuable to us as young leaders, and helped spark plenty of ideas moving forward into 2024.
A common theme which arose throughout our time at Mulgoa was the concept of what actually makes good leaders. We spoke about the importance of time management in our lives, taking time to de-stress and look after ourselves, as well as the concept of leading by example. However, the consensus among us was that having unity as a team was vastly more important than anything else.
I’m sure I speak for the rest of the team when I say that the experience gave us the opportunity to grow even closer to one another and share wisdom which we will certainly put to good use over the course of our tenure as student leaders. A particular example which comes to mind is a session we had with Dr Lavorato, in which she kindly travelled out to answer some of our questions about the nature of leadership and its challenges.
On behalf of Michael and the rest of the Student Leadership Team, we cannot thank Ms Fisicaro, Dr Lavorato, and Mr Herro enough for the time they spent away from the College to be with us. We are looking forward to working alongside them over the next year, in order to foster a culture of unity and pride at SPC, and to encourage all to “let their light shine.”
Luke Bromfield | Student Wellbeing Prefect