Deputy Principal

It is Okay to Make Mistakes
I often have students in my office who have made poor choices. It is the nature of part of my job. Poor choices often have consequences. We are all guilty of making poor decisions. Even as adults we are not perfect. I have never claimed to be perfect. I make mistakes just like we all do. It is important that when we make an error in judgement, that we learn from those mistakes and make better choices the next time we are placed in a similar situation.
Those students and parents who have been in my office to have those conversations know that I always end our discussion by talking about how we move forward. When poor choices are made it is not for us here at the College to place a permanent mark against your son. My experience is that we have amazing young men here at the College. While they are good young men, they sometimes make poor choices.
To be able to move forward, we need to place their poor choices in the past. I always say to the young men who have found themselves in my office for making poor choices that I will not bring it up with them again so long as they learn from it and do not make the same mistake.
It is important that we as adults all give our future leaders a chance to grow and learn. We learn from making mistakes. That in itself is an important lesson to learn.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal
Multi Factor Authentication -What is it and Why is it Important?
In the ever-evolving face of IT security and the current trends in hacking and phishing scams, the College continually works on enhancing the security of our network to protect staff, students, environments, and data. To do this, the College will introduce an additional layer of security for all students that currently operate in a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment where enabling security can be a challenge.
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) enhances an organisation’s security by requiring users to identify themselves by more than just a username and password. It requires additional steps to identify the user to securely login to an environment. MFA is a standard process implemented by banking, financial, insurance and telecommunications services.
Benefits of MFA:
- secure against identity theft via stolen passwords
- additional layer of security
- mitigate the use of unmanaged devices, such as a BYOD environment
- protect against weak passwords.
The implementation of MFA for students will be with the use of unique code via a smartphone.
As students are prohibited from using mobile phones at school, they will need to enable MFA when at home or anywhere away from the College network. MFA will then need to be enabled every 30 days away from the College network. Instructions on how to enable MFA will be provided to students and parents/carers. Students will need to enable MFA within a required timeframe (to be advised in the instructions) otherwise their device will not be able to connect to the school network.
Borce Sazdanovski
IT Manager