Library News

Messages from our Librarian - Mrs Adams

Christmas Reading

With the summer holidays on the horizon, it’s time to think about enjoying some time with family and friends. We are very lucky at St Joseph's to have a number of platforms that children will have access to over the holidays. Storybox Library has a fantastic selection of  Christmas stories that explore different communities and traditions. It also has a variety of books for holidays. There are also activities that you can do with the children. All you need is a device. The App can be downloaded onto a device.

Login and Password:stjo2370

Our 2nd Platform is Sora.

Sora can be found by googling Sora


Our school is under the ACEN (Australian Catholic Education Network). If you are on another device this is the website link

Children will then be able to sign in with their own individual username and password that they use to access their Chrome Books at school. 

Under collections, you will find Comic and Graphic novels, Humorous books, magazines, books about horses etc, adventure, mystery, etc. Please make use of this as it is provided to us by our Catholic Schools Office.


Also don't forget we have our local library which is a great resource.


Christmas Reading List



Green Dot - Madeleine Gray

Lola in the Mirror - Trent Dalton

Country Homes in Australia - Countrystyle 

Breath The New Science of a Lost Art - James Nestor

Raising Girls Who Like Themselves and Bringing up Boys Who Like Themselves -Kasey Edwards and Dr Christopher Scanlon


Library Books

If you happen to find a library book that hasn't been returned, could you please put it in a safe spot until we return to school next year? There are still quite a few overdue books that need to be returned. Books are expensive and we would appreciate it if they could be returned to our library.


Farewell Year 6

Goodbye and good luck Year 6, you really have been a wonderful cohort to teach. I wish you all the best for high school. Thank you very much for my Animal Lovers Award at your assembly, I hope you always remain bookworms.

Happy Holidays

I hope you have a very happy and safe holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year. 


Cath Adams