Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

As this is the last newsletter for 2023, I take this final public opportunity to thank all of our parents, families, parish community and staff for your active and positive support of our beautiful talented children here at St Joseph’s Glen Innes. While not listing here all of the measurable and demonstrable achievements of our great kids in literacy, numeracy, well-being, sport and culture, it would only take a quick peruse of any previous newsletter in 2023 to see the high-achieving results of the children’s hard work and effort to improve themselves and reach their enormous potential. Well done everyone! Our school team of skilful helpful adults while looking forward to a well-earned rest over the holidays are already planning and preparing for even more improvements in 2024. We are so lucky to have such an experienced, talented and dedicated staff! Thank you one and all!


This great school has been achieving great results since 1884 when the Catholic Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart began the first iteration of this school. Interestingly the original enrolment was approximately 30 students which has now grown to over 130. As a consequence, 2024 marks the 140-year anniversary of our great school which we will variously celebrate during next year, not the least being a special Mass in St Patrick's Church on St Joseph’s Day 19 March. All past students, families and parish members are warmly invited to attend this special Mass.


We are also very fortunate to have such an active and hard-working P&F committee who have set their sights on re-invigorating the St Joseph’s Ball in 2024. Please mark the date down in your calendars for Saturday 16 March and keep an eye out in the new year for ticketing information.


This is a reminder that the office will be closed from today, Friday 15 December until Wednesday 31 January 2024. School begins for all children in Years 1 through to 6 on Thursday 1 February and Kindergarten children begin on Monday 5 February.


For those families looking to book short holidays outside of the regular school vacation periods in 2024 and not negatively impact the attendance of their children at school, I am listing the scheduled Pupil Free Days below -

Thursday, June 6

Friday, June 7 

(note the King’s Birthday holiday is set for Monday 10 June


Monday, 22 July

Tuesday, 23 July


Monday, 14 October

Friday, 20 December


Term dates for 2024

Term 1

Thursday 1 February - Years 1 to 6 begin

Monday 5 February - Kindergarten begin

Friday 29 March - Good Friday

Monday 1 April - Easter Monday

Friday 12 April -  Last day of Term 1


Term 2

Thursday 25 April - ANZAC DAY (on the holidays)

Monday 29 April - First day of Term 2

Friday 5 July -  Last day of Term 2


Term 3

Wednesday 24 July -  First day of Term 3

Friday 27 September -  Last day of Term 3


Term 4

Tuesday 15 October -  First day of Term 4

Thursday 19 December - Last day of Term 4


If you are travelling please be safe and everyone please enjoy the joy and peace of Christmas with family and good friends.


Until next year.

May our God go with you

Geoff McManus
