Student Wellbeing

The Importance of Reading at Home

At Greenhills, we love reading! As we enter Term 4, we want to emphasise the importance of continuing to support your child to read regularly at home.  Reading is not just a fundamental skill; it's a gateway to knowledge, imagination, and lifelong learning. There are many benefits of home reading and we want to share some tips to make it an enjoyable experience for both you and your child.


The Importance of Home Reading:

  • Language Development: Reading aloud to your child or encouraging them to read helps develop their language skills. They learn new words, sentence structures, and expand their vocabulary, which is crucial for communication and academic success.
  • Cognitive Development: Reading engages a child's brain, improving their cognitive abilities such as memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking. It stimulates their imagination and creativity.
  • Academic Success: Children who read regularly at home often perform better in school. Reading enhances their comprehension skills, which are essential for understanding textbooks, instructions, and assignments.
  • Building a Love for Learning: Fostering a love for reading early on can instil a lifelong passion for learning. When children enjoy reading, they are more likely to explore various subjects and seek knowledge independently.
  • Bonding Time: Reading together can be a special bonding experience for parents and children. It provides an opportunity for quality time and open discussions about the book's themes, characters, and lessons.

Tips for Successful Home Reading:

  • Create a Reading Routine: Set aside a specific time each day for reading. Consistency helps establish good reading habits.
  • Choose Age-Appropriate Books: Select books that match your child's age and reading level. Encourage them to explore different genres and topics.
  • Lead by Example: Let your child see you reading regularly. Children often mimic their parents' behaviours.
  • Visit the Library: Make regular trips to the local library a family outing. It exposes your child to a wide variety of books and encourages them to explore their interests.
  • Ask Questions: After reading, ask your child questions about the story. This helps with comprehension and encourages critical thinking.
  • Be Patient: If your child struggles with a word or passage, provide gentle guidance without making them feel pressured. Celebrate their progress, no matter how small.
  • Encourage Independent Reading: As your child's reading skills improve, encourage them to read independently and choose books they're passionate about.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Keep a reading log or chart to track your child's progress and reward milestones with praise or small incentives. 

Remember, the journey of home reading is not just about finishing books; it's about nurturing a lifelong love for learning and discovery. Together, we can inspire our young readers to become confident and enthusiastic learners.


Thank you for your continued support in fostering a culture of reading at Greenhills. If you have any questions or need book recommendations, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated library staff.


Happy Reading!


Janine Hough -

Brad Ryan -


Janine and Brad.