Around the College 

Showcase 2023

As is tradition, Nazareth College held its annual Showcase event to feature the talent that our students possess to their families, friends, and the wider community. It was an exciting event with over two hundred works on display from all our Visual Arts and Technology subjects and across all the different year levels. Students also enjoyed the opportunity the day after opening night to visit the Visual Arts and Technology event space with their classes. Well done to all students who had work on display and special congratulations to Daniel Mastromanno (Year 12, Product Design Technology: Wood) for winning the People’s Choice Award by one vote with his bedside table based on the Adventure Time character, BMO.

People's Choice Winner
People's Choice Winner

Year 8 Visual Communication Design

At the end of Term 3, students in Year 8 Visual Communication Design were working well to develop their Observational Drawing skills. They have used a range of different media, such as grey lead and coloured pencils and watercolour paints. Please take a look at some of their final results from a still life set-up and using grey lead as their media.

Alexandra Surenian MX5
Sam Jeffery KN5
Mia Dell'Aquila MK4
Oliver Di Conza CH2
Pieta Jada MC2
Alexandra Surenian MX5
Sam Jeffery KN5
Mia Dell'Aquila MK4
Oliver Di Conza CH2
Pieta Jada MC2



Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Visual Arts and Technology




Enormous Gratitude from Vinnies

A very BIG thank you to everyone who supported the Assist A Student Appeal on Thursday 5 October. Your donations enabled us to raise more than $2400, which will go a long way to supporting the education of children in less developed countries. A very special thanks to the VCAL students who managed the BBQs, together with Ms Caitlin Mackay for overseeing the cooking. Finally, thanks to the Vinnies for serving, cooking, cleaning and packing up after the event. A great team effort.


Vinnies Christmas Appeal

Following on from the Year 12 TOY GIVING, Vinnies are now asking the rest of the school community to support our Christmas Appeal, by purchasing a small toy to donate to our GIVING TREE. These toys are then distributed to families in our local area, who may be struggling this festive season to provide gifts for their children. 


These donations can be placed under our new 2 metre Christmas tree in the Resource Centre.

We thank you in anticipation


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Nazareth Community for supporting each of our causes and ‘good works’ throughout 2023. We raised approximately $8000 for the various fundraisers, donated an enormous amount of non-perishable items and toiletries, and a group of dedicated students supported St Anthony’s Primary School each week, by assisting with their homework program. Together, the Nazareth Community achieved great things. I would also like to thank the amazing twenty-one Year 12 students who stuck with Vinnies over their six years. It has been truly humbling to work with every Vinnie throughout 2023. Finally, a very special mention to Annie Shi (President) and Julie Hoang (Vice President) for leading the team this year. Absolute superstars! 



Ms Lisa Douglass

Vinnies Coordinator

& The Vinnies Team




Sublime Spring

The weather that is as lovely as dew

Renews our spirits like a day which is new;

The glory of resplendent flowers in bloom

Resembles the countenance of a radiant groom.


The chirping birds with their natural voices,

The fresh beginning and the smiley faces,

The scenery of the woods, the oceans and hills

Adorn the season with splendid thrills.



Mr Jason Robert 

Learning Support Officer

(Written in September 2022 & edited in October 2023)