Wellbeing Report 

Year 12 Exam preparation

It is with great sadness, but also pride, that we farewell our Year 12 students tomorrow. Today we held our final assembly to say goodbye and good luck as a community, before they embark on their exams and future. We are so very proud of them, and wish them well over the coming weeks.


What can you do to support your child during this stressful time?

Students in their final year of school are considered a high-risk group for depression and anxiety, particularly given the last few years that they have experienced. Sleep deprivation, diet and social media are some of the biggest issues faced by this group of teens. Therefore, it is vitally important that a student's mental health is looked after as well as their physical health. 


Keeping things in perspective -

for students and parents alike, can help prevent everyone getting overwhelmed. Although this final year is important, it is not necessarily the most important year of your child's life.


There are many strategies that students can implement to help themselves. While you can’t do the study for them, there are many ways in which parents can provide support, not only emotionally, but also practically.

Please click on the link below to watch a short video special report on our SchoolTV website, by Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, and other experts in this field. Parents will find useful tips to support their child during this often stressful time. Evidence based strategies are explained clearly, such as:

  • 20-minute study rule
  • ‘Say it out loud’
  • Social media limitations
  • Importance of sleep
  • Importance of a healthy breakfast
  • Regular exercise
  • Quiet, calm study area

Teach someone what you know

Research clearly tells us that some study techniques are more powerful than others. We remember:

  • 10% from reading
  • 25% from hearing
  • 35% from seeing
  • 50% from both seeing and hearing
  • 75% from discussing
  • 85% from experiencing something yourself
  • 95% from teaching someone else

We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered here.


You will find more great tips on how to manage this time at reachout.com


They also have many fantastic apps to use to help with exam stress



We send all of our students embarking on exams over the coming weeks our best wishes. We hope that they can stay calm and focussed, enabling them to give it their best to reach their potential. Continue to remind them to have perspective. 


Their exam results do not define them as a human being and do not determine their value. 


Always remember, 

You are beautiful

You are worthy

You are important

You are special

You are unique

You are wonderful

You are talented

And you are irreplaceable.



Ms Jackie Kol

Acting Deputy Principal

Director of Wellbeing