Acting Principal/Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report

Year 12

Last week was a big one for our community as we celebrated the last days at school for the Year 12 Class of 2023. On Wednesday night, Year 12 students were joined by family, friends and staff for the Graduation Mass and Presentation Evening in the Wheeler Auditorium. There was a fantastic atmosphere as the students and families reflected on and celebrated their contribution to our community.


On Thursday the whole school said goodbye to the Class of 2023 with our Farewell Assembly. The College Captains gave their final address to our community and we handed over the leadership mantle to the 2024 College Captains. On behalf of the College, I would like to acknowledge and thank Alessia Alifano, Michael Nicolaou, Gabriella Brusco and Sophie Xerri for their outstanding leadership of the College, not only this year, but throughout their time in our community. They are four exceptional young people and we are so blessed to have them in our community. We wish the 2024 College Captains Emma Sidea and Krystal Leah, and Vice-Captains Georgia Starfas and Kenzel Trinidade, all the best for their service and are confident that once again we are blessed with a very strong leadership team.


On Friday the Year 12 students celebrated their last day with the breakfast and dress up day which has been, and continues to be, a very enjoyable and positive way to finish the year together. A big thank you to our Leaders and Mr Brusco for their great work in organising these events , as well as Selma El-Nahri, Mia  Azizova and Jennifer Lako who prepared a fantastic video for our Year 12 students. We are very proud of all our Year 12 students and wish them every success in the future.  We will be praying for the VCE students during the upcoming exam period, and the Vocational Major students as they start the next chapter of their journey.

SIS Book in a Day

Last week a group of our students participated in the SIS Book in a Day at Cornish College. The Nazareth College book, The Dino, the Deuce and the Daring Housewife, took out first place.  A big congratulations to Ms Mish Mackay and the students who wrote and illustrated the book: Ava Giannopoulos, Vanessa Hung, Stephanie Gow, Victoria Kammel, Audrey Vescio, Isabella De Silva, Alana Mackay Diaz and Stephanie Nicolaou.  

This is another example of the great range of opportunities offered at the College.


Our College Principal, Mr Sam Cosentino, will return on Monday 23 October 2023 after a period of Enrichment and Long Service Leave. We look forward to welcoming him back to our community.

Looking Ahead

A reminder there is no school on Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 November 2023 with the mid-term break and Melbourne Cup Holiday. It seems we are moving quickly into the business end of the year with Year 12 Exams starting next week and the exams for Years 9-11 looming close. We encourage all students to work consistently during this time and prepare themselves to achieve their own learning goals during the remaining time.

Please continue to be in touch with the relevant staff member if there is anything we can do to support the learning or wellbeing of your child.


God Bless.



Mr Justin Duckett

Acting Principal

Deputy Principal Staff and Students