From the
Acting Assistant Principal
From the
Acting Assistant Principal
Greetings everyone,
Well, I am into Week 3 now and have a better idea of the layout of the school so can find classes without getting lost! The staff have continued to be very supportive, and I have also had many students who now greet me when they see me, which is lovely. I have really enjoyed hearing the students articulate their learning. I listened to a lovely story in 6C on Tuesday and found the responses from the students insightful and thoughtful.
For my newsletter article this week, I have spoken to some students from 5A and 4B.
Antonio, Torin and Issah (5B). Here is some of what they shared:
Antonio likes writing as it gives you a choice. Torin likes lots of sport and Issah said “everything, and Prep kids think we are cool”. They all rated Rowville Primary School as a 10/10!
Next, I spoke to Nicholas and Eva from 4B:
Eva when asked about what she likes about school – “When we learn and grow. Teachers are really nice here. Reading expands my thinking and writing helps me make plans and increases creativity.”
Nicholas said “I love how there is a kitchen. Teachers are very respectful and there are lots of respectful students. The school is big and bright”. Asked what he would choose if he could have the one subject for a day he said “kitchen – I love to cook, it is a passion of mine”.
I really enjoyed the conversations and look forward to having more in preparation for the next newsletter.
My email address has been generated and it is in case you should need or want to contact me.
FINALLY – HATS! HATS! HATS! – there are still a number of students in the school who have lost/forgotten/discarded their hats. Whilst hat wearing is not popular with everyone, it is a school expectation. We monitor it and remind the students constantly but there are still too many who don’t quite manage it – can you please chat to your child/ren about the importance of being SunSmart – thanks in anticipation.
Enjoy the rest of your week and the upcoming weekend.
Kind regards,
Elaine Wilson
Acting Assistant Principal