Learning at St Columba's

What is AI and what will it mean for my child?


If you are anything like me, you will have heard or read news articles, podcasts, and engaged in workplace conversations discussing AI (Artificial Intelligence).  As an educator, staying on the front foot of innovative, current and relevant technology is important.  


One thing I know is that AI isn’t going anywhere, so it is vital to understand it, use it and inform ourselves on what it is and how it can help us to get the most out of our lives.  One area of AI that I am curious about is ChatGPT.  So I decided to have a go at using it. In order to write this newsletter item I posed several different questions and typed them into ChatGPT to work out what was the best way to help you understand AI and what AI means for your primary-age student.  I hope you find the information below helpful and it provides you with a better understanding of AI.  I also encourage you to have a go using ChatGPT. 


Chat GPT Generated 

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include understanding natural language, recognising patterns, making decisions, and learning from experience. AI systems use algorithms and data to make predictions, automate tasks, and improve their performance over time.


For your primary school child, the concept of AI can be introduced in a simple and age-appropriate way. Here's what AI means for your child:

  • AI is Like a Smart Assistant: You can explain AI to your child by comparing it to a smart assistant, like a robot friend that can learn and think a little bit like humans do. For example, you can mention Siri or Alexa, which respond to voice commands and provide information.
  • AI in Learning: AI can help your child with their learning. It can offer personalised exercises and lessons, like having a tutor who adapts to your child's needs. This means they can learn at their own pace.
  • Educational Games: AI is used to create fun and interactive educational games. These games can make learning more engaging and enjoyable.
  • AI in Everyday Life: Explain how AI is used in daily life, like in self-driving cars and the suggestions that YouTube or Netflix provide. This helps your child understand that AI is all around us.
  • Problem-Solving: AI can help solve problems. For example, doctors use AI to diagnose diseases, and scientists use it to study the environment. This might inspire your child to think about how AI can be used to make the world a better place.
  • AI Ethics: You can introduce the idea of being responsible with technology. Talk to your child about how AI needs to be used in a kind and fair way, just like we treat our friends. Explain that it's important to respect privacy and use AI to help people.
  • Limitations: Make sure your child understands that AI has some limitations. It can't think or feel like humans, and it's not perfect. It's a tool that needs to be used wisely.

Overall, AI can be an exciting concept for your child. It can make learning fun and help them understand the world better. As they grow and learn more, you can delve into deeper discussions about AI and its impact on society, helping them become responsible and ethical users of technology.



Nicole Spence

PYP Coordinator