Head of Junior School 

Mrs Jo Messer

Who is ready for a two-week break? I think the answer to that would be - everyone here at the Junior School! We have packed in learning, excursions, camps, sports, assemblies, festivals and celebrated special days. I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a relaxing holiday break. Please stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 16 October.

Uniform Reminders: Term 4

As the warmer months descend upon us in Term 4, our uniform expectations change slightly.

  • Boys no longer need to wear their grey jumper to school and keep it on until recess.
  • The boys will need to re-commence bringing their bucket hat to school as they will be required to wear this at recess and lunchtime.
  • No beanies in Term 4
  • Sports Uniform: the tracksuit top and bottom no longer must be worn to and from school.

Hair Styles and Cuts

If you are heading to the hairdresser in the holidays, please be mindful of our expectations regarding haircuts. Hair should be trimmed evenly all over and not exceed collar length, cover the eyes or face. There is not to be any dramatic grading in length or undercutting nor should there be artificial colouring of hair.

Footy Colours Day

Today, the eve of the AFL Grand Final, is our annual Footy Colours Day. Boys were encouraged to join in the fun and dress in an outfit of their favourite team or code of sport. For extra fun, and as a P&F fundraiser, we have ordered 270 donuts from The Circle of Life. On Monday the boys were asked to choose whether they wanted a Collingwood or Brisbane Lions iced donut. They were handed out at recess time!

AFL Football Margin Fundraiser

Good luck to everyone who bought a ticket/s in the P&F AFL Football Margin competition. We ended up selling almost 200 tickets. This will generate approximately $2 900 for the P &F which will be re-directed into school resources for the boys. 


If you have the points difference at quarter time, half-time or three-quarter time, you will be given $50. If you have the margin at full time, you will receive $400. Hopefully I’ll be calling you to let you know you are a winner!

A Week of Musical Celebration!

Over the last fortnight our boys have been treated to an array of musical performances and workshops. This week our Year 5-6s participated in a Band Day with Sacred Heart and St Mary’s Colleges Year 5 and 6 bands. This was the brilliant idea from Mr Michael Power from SMC. The culmination of the day was 170 students playing three songs together with an audience of the lower grades of SVC and SMC as well as the parents and grandparents who were able to attend.

Andrew Chinn Entertains

Andrew Chinn visited the Junior School on Tuesday for a most entertaining day. Andrew worked as a classroom teacher in Catholic Primary Schools in Sydney, for nearly twenty years before moving into his full-time music ministry. Andrew visits Catholic primary schools, across Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada sharing his music and his faith with children, teachers and parents. Andrew worked with all classes and taught them entertaining, and interactive songs. The culmination of this day was also a fabulous concert.

Choomalaka Festival & Feast

Congratulations to all of our boys on their collective performances at the annual Choomalaka Festival & Feast last Friday evening. It was a joyous celebration of the talents of all of our students. We are blessed to have such a talented Arts Department at St Virgil’s College, led by Mr Machin, Mrs Norton, Ms Stary. They are so enthusiastic about their craft. They lead by example and inspire our boys every day. Thank you to all family members who turned up to support the boys.

Come and Try Rowing Day

Yesterday, our Year 6 classes experienced a Try Rowing Day at the SVC/SMC Rowing Sheds. Conducted by our Director of Rowing, Mr Oliver Wilson-Haffenden, with assistance from SVC and SMC senior rowers, the boys had a fabulous day. Although, due to the windy conditions, the boys did not row in the bay, they were able to sit in some quads on the water and practice the sculling technique. Boys were also tested on the ergs (rowing machines). The best erg time on the day was Saxon Williams!

Term 3 Sport Thank You

Now that Term 3 sport has almost concluded I would like to thank Mrs Karryn McCullagh for all her extra work in supervising JSSATIS Basketball on Tuesday evenings as well as organising tryout sessions for the upcoming School Basketball Championships next term. I would like to extend a thank you to all parents who have volunteered to coach or manage a team.