Year One/Two News 

Central Highlands Water Visit! 

To finish off our Humanities Unit 'Wondering about Water', we had Shannon visit us from Central Highlands Water. Shannon talked to us about how water gets to our taps, how to save water and how water gets to Miners Rest. We read a story about water in our community. We also played a game to see which character saved the most water. 


We learned some great water saving tips that you might be able to use at home! 

  • Have a 3 minute shower.
  • Turn off the tap tight.
  • If you need to change the water from your drink bottle, put the old water on the garden.
  • Turn the tap off when you are brushing your teeth. 
  • Fill the washing machine and dishwasher so it is full before running it. 
  • Don't fill the bath too high. 
  • Use a water saving shower head. 
  • Use a trigger nozzle on your hose.