Catholic Mission

This week begins our Lenten Journey.


Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent, a significant period in the Christian calendar that invites us to prepare for Easter. On this day, individuals receive ashes on their foreheads as a symbol of renewal and a commitment to reconnect with their faith. The ashes remind us that life is a gift, and we are called to live with love and kindness. Lent lasts for 40 days and is a time for reflection, prayer, and making positive changes in our lives. It is a season where we try to have a change of heart—to let go of bad habits and fill our hearts with hope, happiness, and peace. 


During Lent, we are encouraged to:

* Use kind words and be gentle with others.

* Do kind things to help those around us.  

* Spend time with God in prayer and reflection.

 * Think of others and show love and generosity.


 Lent is a time to follow in Jesus' footsteps, to grow closer to God, and to share love and kindness in our daily lives. Through simple acts of goodness, we help bring more peace and joy to the world.


 In preparation for the beginning of Lent, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday. This event not only provided a delightful experience but also successfully raised essential funds for Caritas.


This work is important and celebrating Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Tuesday, is a lovely way for our students to learn about the importance of taking ‘action’ in this world for the benefit of others.