


“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.”

Meister Eckhart


Lent takes on more significance this year in the Jubilee Year of Hope. We have been invited to renew our relationship with God and we can do this with Prayer. No relationship can be sustained when there is no contact. Prayer is something we are asked to do more regularly during Lent, and this may provide the catalyst for renewal. It may be a small step – using gratitude as a stimulus. Only 28 days of positivity and gratitude retrains the wiring in your brain – maybe you could challenge your family to a positive LENT. 


Meister Eckhart was a German Priest, Theologian, Philosopher and Mystic and yet he drilled down to help his listeners to do good. So, simply begin to use Thankyou as a prayer. See what happens?