From the Office

Student Absences:

Please remember to inform the school if your child is going to be late or away from school.

Teachers generally check Seesaw/email messages just before and/or immediately after school as they are busy teaching during class. As such, it is important to also advise the office of any absences so that the student roll is updated accordingly. 


You can call the school office on 9560 8491 and leave a voice message or email: and Seesaw/email your child's classroom teacher.


Government legislation mandates that the school seek clarification of a student's unexplained absence after the morning roll has been taken and the child is noted as being absent. Our school will contact you as soon as practicable on the day, if your child is absent and you haven’t notified the school as to why. 

Note that we do still require written notification of why a child is absent on any day. 


Your child's safety and wellbeing is paramount and we trust you appreciate the importance of notifying the school of any delays or absences in a timely manner.


School Hours 8:45am to 3:15pm

School gates are officially opened and supervised from 8:30am and students can make their way to the classroom when the first bell is rung at 8:37am. The second bell will be rung at 8:45am to indicate the school day has officially begun. Any children arriving after the second bell at 8:45am would need to make their way to the school office via the Springvale Road entrance to collect a Late Pass.  


Please note the Allen Street gates will be locked at 8:45am meaning that if you arrive late at the Allen St car park you will not be able to gain access into the school. We also ask parents who park at the Allen Street entrance and enter the school to please ensure they leave the premises before 8:45am to avoid being ‘locked-in’ and needing to walk around.


Car Park

Springvale Road entrance is strictly a park your vehicle and walk your child into school. The Allen Street car park can accommodate drop off (between 8:35am-8:45am) and pick up (between 3:15-3:30pm). Please only park within bays and follow the loop.


Management of Anaphylaxis, Asthma and Allergic Reactions

For each student diagnosed with Anaphylaxis, Asthma and/or Allergic Reaction the school should be provided with an up-to-date original copy of the Action Plan (in colour) by your child(ren)’s doctor with their stamp/seal. These Action Plans should ideally be reviewed at least once every 12 months unless otherwise determined by your GP. We request at the start of the school year all parents check that the relevant Action Plan(s) uploaded on Operoo are current. We request that parents contact the office to obtain the most up-to-date Action Plan, prior to their visit to the doctor.


- Asthma

It is encouraged that students from Year 3 and above recognise asthma symptoms and learn to self-administer their reliever medication, under staff supervision. To this end we request that parents ensure their child(ren) in Years 3-6 have learnt the correct inhaler technique and carry their medication and puffer in their bag. It is advised that students with asthma, carry their asthma medication during sport activities or during recess and lunch breaks in the playground during potential asthma thunderstorm days. If your child in years 3 and above requires adult assistance to administer their asthma medication, please contact the school office.


- Hayfever

If your child suffers from Hay fever, it is recommended that you administer his/her medication each morning right through the ‘hay fever season’. Hay fever medication/antihistamines are believed to be more effective if taken prior to the onset of symptoms. 

Anaphylactic reminder

We would like to remind everyone of the importance of being aware that we do have a number of students in our school who are anaphylactic. While St Leonard's is not a nut free school, we would ask you all to remind your children to not share their food and for parents to be conscious of the fact that nut products in particular do pose a threat to a number of our students.

If your child wishes to share a birthday treat with their classmates, we request you to speak to the respective classroom teacher and indicate when and what you would be including in the goodie bag and the teachers will be happy to provide some guidance. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.





Secondary College

To assist your decision making in relation to your child's education for 2026 and beyond, please find below a link to the 2025 edition of the Enrolments Guide.


CLICK HERE: 8 is now LIVE! Welcome to the final Issue of 2024!