From the Principal

Mrs Annie Herbison

Swimming commences Monday for Years Three to Six


Dear St Michael’s School families, 


The week has begun well for the staff here at St Michael's, with our first two days focused on some the research and strategies into Neurodiversity. We had the privilege of hearing Christina Kemble, a Neurodivergent Educational Consultant, who presented much of the recent research into children and adults with neurodiversity. She presented us with some excellent background information on behaviours and ways in which we can affirm people who are neurodivergent in our school and community. The staff also reflected on some wellbeing practices that we can employ for our own personal health and wellbeing. It has been a refreshing two days of working together and a wonderful chance to connect again after the Summer break.


We look forward to our students coming in today and tomorrow for their assessments and then on Monday when all our students will return for their first full day for the school year.



Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has proclaimed 2025 as a Jubilee Year, a sacred time of renewal, reflection, and grace celebrated every 25 years. It is a time "of solidarity, hope, justice, commitment to serve God with joy and in peace with our brothers and sisters". As a school and Parish we will take time to reflect in this year of Jubilee on what is important in our lives and families. The logo here is the official logo for this year, one which we will review and discuss with the children throughout Religious Education sessions in our classrooms.



We take this opportunity to welcome some new staff to St Michael's School this year! Whilst they will have been mentioned in our newsletters towards the end of last year we acknowledge the following new staff beginning with us:

Miss Adriana Corso - Prep Blue

Mr James McIlroy - Year Three/Four Blue

Miss Catriona O'Donoghue - Year One/Two Red

Mr Darcy Truin - Learning Support Officer


We also welcome back Mrs Rachael Lo Ricco, who was on parental leave in 2024. She is working alongside Ms Ann in Three/Four Green. Great to have you back Rachael!


A photo of our new staff will be made available next week. We are so fortunate to have these amazing, friendly staff on our team this year. Please help us in making them feel welcome to our community.



I urge families to please consider taking on the role of leading this annual cake stall. As yet, no one has come forward and this is one of St Michael's biggest events of the school calendar, in terms of fundraising AND getting our name into the community. It needs someone to coordinate it, bring people on board to assist and arrange the roster. We have great details of what has been done before and there is help available. Please take this into consideration if you have some time in these next few weeks and make contact with me URGENTLY.

Thank you



We welcome all our Year Prep to Year Six students next Monday, 3rd February, to commence full days for 2025. Classes commence at 8.50am and gates are open from 8.30am with supervision available before school. Please do not bring students any earlier than 8.30am or allow them to arrive at school on their own before 8.30am as there is no supervision available. Please book your child in TheirCare, should you need any child care outside of school hours. Contact TheirCare on 1300 072 410.


On Monday we welcome ALL FAMILIES to join us for our Beginning of School Year Morning Tea in the School Hub from 8.45am. Free Coffee Cart onsite and a light morning tea is available. 



Families will have received a notice via the Nforma Parent Portal about our upcoming Parent / Teacher / Child Conversations. Please take time to review the information and select appropriate times for your meetings with teachers. Unfortunately the system has not yet updated the classroom teachers' names from last year's classes, so please disregard the name you will find on the notice. Please also note, our staff held a comprehensive handover of information about your child in December so this meeting is really designed for you to meet the teacher/s and also to share anything of significance about your child with the teacher/s.



As we head back into our routine of drop off and pick up at school, we are reminded by Boroondara Council about our school zones.


Respect crossing supervisors – they’re crucial for student safety.

  1. Stop walking when they whistle once. Wait away from the curb.
  2. Cross when they whistle twice. When instructed, walk promptly and directly across.

Adhere to parking and road rules: 

  1. Kiss and Ride zones at schools are for quick drop-offs or pickups only – you have a two-minute limit, it is not a parking spot.
  2. Illegal parking compromises safety and risks a fine.
  3. Don’t double-park, stop in bus zones or park too close to the school crossing (within 20 metres before or 10 metres after it).

 Consider alternative transport: Walking or riding to school with your child is a healthy and enjoyable way to avoid congestion at drop-off or pick-up time.


School Crossing Supervisors are only there to help your children to safely cross the road. They do not enforce parking restrictions. Please take care of our parking supervisors and of each other.



We welcome all our families to our Beginning of Year School mass on Wednesday 12th February at 10am at St Michael's Church. We will welcome in the new school year and would love for you to join us.



All families will have their school fees and student levies invoiced in February 2025 with a statement sent out in the first week of term.  (Please ensure you provide us with an updated email address if changed since last year).  We request that the 2025 Payment Commitment form is returned to the school office as soon as possible.


The Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) Fee Collection Policy strongly encourages all families to utilise a Direct Debit arrangement. Direct Debit is a convenient method with no need to remember to pay instalments, and many of our families already benefit from the use of the Direct Debit system for paying school fees.


A reminder that families with a Health Care card may be entitled to a reduction in fees. Please speak to Kathy Muhllechner in the school office if you have one.


If you have any queries or require further information, please contact Kathy at or call on 9885 3105.



In preparation for our students commencing next week, please find attached below our Medication Authority Form. Any medication which is required to be administered to your child at school or during a school activity must be clearly indicated on this form. The form needs to be signed by an authorised AHPRA registered medical / health practitioner (in some cases this can be the pharmacist). Original packaging with the student's name and dosage needs to be provided along with this form. Please read the details on this form before bringing any medication to school.



On Wednesday 5th February 2025, St Michael’s has again invited Marty McGauran, the founder of Inform & Empower, to host ‘Raising Kids in a Digital World’ to present to our families. This is a vitally important session for our school community so that we can work together as partners, to find out more about the ever-changing digital landscape. Please note that NEW INFORMATION is presented at this session each year, so even if you have attended in the past, it is important that you attend again. Perhaps a parent who has not yet attended could be present. 


The presentation will begin at 7pm and finish at approximately 8.30pm and will be located in the Hub. Parents may park on the basketball courts for this session.


Please respond to the Operoo form accordingly if you haven't already done so. If both parents are unable to attend Jordan Lo Ricco will contact you via email to provide you with a short online module to complete. If parents are unable to provide any other care for their children in the evening, the school will be providing supervision to students during the session. Students will meet with some of the staff in the school library during the parent session.



Chromebooks for Year Three Students and new students to St Michael's (Yr3-6) will be made available from Monday 3rd February in classrooms.


Students receiving a new device are requested to collect their device on their testing days. All student devices should be brought into school starting from the first full day of classes (Monday, 3rd February). Devices will not be required during testing days. Devices will continue to go home each night and must be fully charged before returning to school the following day.



In Term 1 children are to wear their full summer uniform. Runners are only to be worn on days when children are required to wear sports uniform, black leather shoes must be worn at all other times. Teachers will advise as to when sports lessons will be held.  We also remind parents that during Term 1, students who do not have a hat are required to play in AREA 1 in the shade, to ensure their safety during the warmer months. This will commence from Monday 3rd February so please ensure you dig out your hats and have them ready to go! Hats are highly encouraged and optional during terms 2 and 3. 



A reminder that our Swimming Program for Years three to six students commences on Monday 3rd February, the first full day of school. A few of the dates for this have changed, as per the dates listed below:

Week 2 - FEBRUARY 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th AND

Week 3 - FEBRUARY 10th, 11th, 14th (Water Safety Day)


Parents wishing to volunteer, please see notice and details through Operoo.


The swimming carnival will run on Wednesday 12th February, which means there will be no lessons on this day. Any families or friends who are available to support this event would be greatly appreciated.




We look forward to celebrating the Prep Parents Welcome Drinks on the evening of Friday 14th March. Please save this date in your calendars and organise baby sitters. More details to follow!




This year's Ashburton Community Festival is again holding "Ashburton's Got Talent" which had two St Michael's students perform in 2024. If your child is interested in performing again this year, please follow the details listed below. Our famous St Michael's Cake Stall will feature again at the Festival, so please start thinking about what you'll be baking for it!


Ashburton's Got Talent happening this year as part of the Ashburton Community Festival 11am - 4pm in a closed off High St, Ashburton on Sunday 23rd February 2025. Your students may like to consider entering.  Enter "Ashburton's Got Talent" this year’s Ashburton Community Festival on Sunday 23rd February in a closed off High St Ashburton and let your talent earn you some $$!  Proudly supported by the Ashburton Community Bank Inner East there is a $2000 prize pool to share in!  To register, follow this link




Warmest regards,
