Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community
Dear God
We pray for energy for the year ahead for students, teachers and families. We pray for all our teachers and our families. We pray that school days are filled with fun and great memories. We pray for cheerful hearts as we journey through this school year, sharing your love and light through our words and deeds.
Welcome back to our Sacred Heart School Family. A very special welcome to our Foundation students who have made a great start to the year and their families especially if new to our school. Already our new Foundation student's families are getting to know each other as they prepare to journey together through the next seven years at our school. Not only do two of our families share the experience of having a daughter commencing school, but you can see from the photo below, they each celebrate the precious gift of new life with the beautiful addition of another sibling.
I hope the holiday was a time to enjoy special family time and you were able to experience opportunities that will provide great memories of time spent together.
Our 2025 school year promises to be another busy one and I reinforce finding time to read our newsletter each week so that you can be informed about all facets of Sacred Heart School life.
Icy Poles
Icy poles will be sold as of tomorrow and will continue to be sold each Friday at recess time in Term One. Icy poles cost $1.00, the sale of which raises some money for our school.
Parade College Lunches
Lunches from the Parade College canteen will commence next Wednesday and will be available for the rest of the year on a Wednesday when their school is open. We will send out an updated menu early next week. For new families, if ordering a lunch, we ask that the correct money be placed in a paper bag with your child's name and their food and drink selections written on the front of the bag.
The First Two Days In Foundation
Our New Before/After School Care Provider