Around the College

Welcome back students

The College was a hive of activity on Thursday last week as we welcomed back students from Foundation to Year 12. This year marks an exciting milestone for us as we now have a full cohort of all year levels with our first ever Year 6 students starting this year.


We welcomed parents with a morning tea and Foundation parents received an information session ran by CatholicCare Victoria. 


It was so exciting to see all the new students starting their journey here at St Anne's College as well as seeing all of the familiar faces being welcomed back for another year. 

We look forward to sharing some memories from the day with you later - watch this space! 

Whole College Opening Mass

We were all encouraged to become Pilgrims of Hope at the College Opening Mass this week. 

The Mass was a beautiful way to set the tone for the school year ahead, spreading the message of hope which is the Diocese theme this year.

Pope Francis calls us to be Pilgrims of Hope.

“We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, trusting heart and far-sighted vision.” – Pope Francis.

The Mass also included the Blessing of the Badges for our 2025 College and House Captains as well as the badges for all Year 12 students which were then presented to the students.

Deputy Principal, Community and Wellbeing, Kate McGrath spoke about the importance of these badges and what it meant to be a school leader.

She congratulated the students on their selected and also recognised that all of our Year 12 students play and important role in guiding and leading the college. 

She encouraged students to approach every challenge with faith and hope and approach every decision with wisdom. 

Principal Mr Butts also addressed the school with messages for the beginning of the school year. He encouraged us all to set goals and challenge ourselves this year to look forward to a year of growth and success also filled with laughter and fun. 


Fundraising for a great cause

Toward the end of 2024, St Anne’s College shared a precious gift from all of us here at the College with the St Mel's Conference St Vincent de Paul.


Thanks to the incredible fundraising by our students and families, Religious Education Leader Elizabeth Holligan presented Ray Holland from St Vincent de Paul with a whopping $3,800 worth of SPC vouchers. The vouchers were donated to locals who were in need of assistance.


Ray said he was incredibly grateful for all the assistance St Anne's College has provided this year and passed on his thanks to everyone who assisted to raise these much-needed funds. Congratulations to our College community for supporting this great cause.