Ms Debbie
Ms Debbie
Welcome to 2025! The students have kicked off the year with enthusiasm, and it was wonderful to see their happy faces as they reconnected with friends and settled into the new school year. I’m excited to be working with your children and look forward to partnering with you throughout the year. Over the next few weeks, we will focus on well-being, classroom expectations, routines, and building strong relationships—key elements that will set us up for success in learning.
To begin term 1 our focus will be:
Year 3: Place Value
Year 4: Addition and Subtraction
Further units across the term will include time, fractions, multiplication and division
To begin term 1 our focus will be:
Reading: Reading Expectations and Making Predictions
Writing: Recount Writing and Planning for Success
In term 1 students will explore the emotions they might feel and the choices they may face when they encounter challenging situations. They will learn how social, emotional, and physical changes, core values, and stereotypes can influence their identity. Students will practise saying no, making safe choices, and managing strong emotions through role-play and games. They will design their own game to help others understand different emotions.
During term 1 we will focus heavily on the notion of forgiveness and healing.
We will work towards the following outcomes:
Masses and Liturgies:
Year 3/4 Class Mass - Date tbc (this information will be forwarded shortly)
Ash Wednesday Parish Mass - Wednesday 5th March (Lent begins)
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Wednesday 2nd April
This year we will be using the Body Bright program to support our social and emotional learning. Our first unit is all about our personal strengths which ties in wonderfully with our Inquiry unit of Identity.
Some of the initial learning outcomes will include:
Monday - Italian and STEM
Wednesday - PE and Visual Art
Thursday - Library (with class teacher)
This term we are lucky to have the team from Fun Fit run some sessions with our students. Fun Fit will be on different days this term and we will notify you of the days the students may wear their sport uniform. Students will undertake different activities including yoga, breakdancing, Dance Fit and hula hooping. This promises to be a lot of fun!
This year we will continue to share photos, student work and classroom notices/information with you on Seesaw, which you are able to 'like' and comment on. If you would like to let us know about anything or ask questions you can send us an email or catch us at the green gate.
Debbie Terry: debbie.t@sfxfrankston.catholic.edu.au
Kind regards,
Debbie Terry