1/2 T
Ms Tamara
1/2 T
Ms Tamara
Welcome to a New School Year!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am excited to welcome you and your child to Grade 1/2! My name is Miss Tamara, and I’m thrilled to be your child’s teacher this year. We have an exciting journey ahead filled with learning, creativity, and growth.
Our classroom will be a safe and joyful space where each child is encouraged to be curious, build confidence, and develop a love for learning. We will explore reading and writing adventures, tackle fun math challenges, and dive into creative projects that help develop critical thinking and teamwork.
I look forward to building strong partnerships with you throughout the year to support your child's learning journey. Please feel free to reach out at any time if you have questions or if there's anything I can do to help your child thrive.
You can call the school or email me at tamara.o@sfxfrankston.catholic.edu.au
This year we will continue to share photos, student work and classroom notices/information with you on Seesaw, which you are able to 'like' and comment on.
Thank you for your support as we embark on this wonderful adventure together. Let’s make it a fantastic year!
Important Information for you:
Specialist timetable
Monday ~ Italian & STEM (starting Feb 10th)
Wednesday ~ Art & PE (starting Feb 5th)
Friday ~ Library
FunFit lessons (starting Thursday, Feb 6th).
The day of the week will change but we will send reminders via Seesaw.
A big thanks to everyone who has brought in all their classroom items already.
If you haven't yet, please make sure your bring in the following as soon as possible:
- headphones
- art smock
- library bag
- blue take home satchel
- sunscreen
- school hat