Dear St Francis Xavier Families,
Happy new year.
It was wonderful to experience the excitement as our children arrived at school on Wednesday morning. So much catching up to do and I enjoyed listening to all the stories about holiday experiences.
A huge thank you to our 2025 Year 6 Leaders who all arrived early and welcomed everyone at the green gate.
2025 is a Jubilee year for the Catholic faith. Jubilee years are landmark moments in the life of the global church and only celebrated once every 25 years. Pope Francis has declared the Jubilee theme to be 'Pilgrims of Hope'.
School communities are invited to join together as pilgrims of hope, pledging to work together for God’s kingdom of justice, peace and love. We will be exploring what this means in class, throughout the year, with a focus on how we enact it.
“I hope that during this Jubilee, we practise kindness as a form of love to connect with others.” Pope Francis
Term 1
15th February (6pm) or 16th February (10:30am)
Reconciliation/Eucharist Commitment Mass
(For Year 4 students receiving these sacraments in 2025)
5th March - Ash Wednesday Whole School Mass (9:15am) Families welcome to attend.
2nd April - Year 4 Sacrament of Reconciliation (6:30pm)
Years 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 will each attend a 9:15am Parish Mass this term.
The class teachers will advise you when the dates are set.
Families are always welcome to attend these services and sit with their child's class.
On Tuesday I sent a letter home to our Year 4 families informing them about the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion for 2025. Reconciliation will be at 6:30pm on Wednesday, 2nd April. First Communion will be at 10:30am on Sunday, 22nd June.
Later this year I will also be inviting families to indicate if they would like their children to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6). Confirmation this year is 12pm on Sunday, 9th November. Candidates for all of these sacraments must be baptised.
I look forward to catching up with you and supporting the children, our staff and community to have a faith-filled, happy and productive year.
God's blessings to you all,
Marion O'Brien
Education in Faith Leader