Ms Lisa
Ms Lisa
We have hit the ground running in 5/6L, spending our first couple of days back setting our new routines, working together to create some classroom leadership roles, and getting into the swing of our Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry sessions. Below are some of our 'First Day' photos, which will go into the 2025 Time Capsules that we're creating this week.
This term we are lucky to have the team from Fun Fit run some sessions with our students. Fun Fit will be on different days this term and we will notify you of the days the students may wear their sport uniform. Students will undertake different activities including yoga, breakdancing, dance Fit and hula hooping. This promises to be a lot of fun!
This year we will continue to share photos, student work and classroom notices with you on Seesaw, which you are able to 'like' and comment on. If you would like to let me know about anything or ask questions you can send me an email or catch me at the green gate before or after school.
Monday ~ Italian & STEM (starting Feb 10th)
Wednesday ~ Art & PE (starting Feb 5th)
Friday ~ Library