Icy Poles
During the summer months in Term 1 and 4, the P&F will be selling Icy Poles after school on Fridays and during lunch time on Mondays.
We will commence Friday after school sales next week, Friday 7th February, so remember to come past for a cool treat.
Cost: Zooper Doopers 50c and Icy Poles $1.50
Class reps will send out a message advising when your grade is rostered on for Friday afternoons, asking for volunteers to help out. A roster for Monday lunch time sales will be sent out separately (via class reps).
Shrove Tuesday - Tuesday 4th March
The Parents & Friends Committee (plus helpers!) will be cooking pancakes on Tuesday, 4th March for the students as part of Shrove Tuesday celebration. There will also be some toppings to go on the pancakes such as butter, jam, syrup, lemon and sugar.
Please advise your class rep if you would prefer your child to have a GF pancake so that the P&F can cater for it.
Please contact your classroom teacher and provide an alternative if your child has an allergy or you do not wish for your child to participate.
We will start setting up & cooking shortly after the morning bell; with each class coming out one at a time.
Donations of lemons are needed. If you have a lemon tree at home and can spare a couple, please drop them off at the school office.
If you can help out on the morning of the 4th March, please contact your class rep.