In the Classroom

In the Foundation room this fortnight has been full of excitement about the upcoming Christmas holidays. We finished the week of last week with our live performance of the Big Red Car and Aeroplane Jelly. The class practice this with great enthusiasm and when the time came presented two songs with big smiles, they loved watching the other grades show the different things that happened in Australian history.
The Colour Fun Run was a massive hit with the Foundations loving getting wet and covered in paint. Lots of Christmas cheer in the classroom also with craft and decorations all around. The children also loved dressing up in Christmas hats and glasses.
We wish everyone a great Christmas and a safe new year.
Grade 1/2
Grade 1-2 have finished the year learning about the Nativity story, playing Numeracy games to consolidate our learning for the year and writing letters to family and friends.
Grade 2/3
The 2/3 class designed and created a three - dimensional Gingerbread House. They constructed their Christmas house by following instructions carefully and used their imagination by decorating their masterpieces with lots of colourful details.
Grade 4/5
The Year 4/5 class made Christmas ornaments out of recycled cardboard last week. The ornaments were inspired by gingerbread art and created using white pens. We have loved getting into the Christmas spirit! Merry Christmas everyone!
Grade 5/6
As the year comes to a close we reflect over our last weeks of Term 4. With deadlines to meet, the students capably completed their video projects, culminating in their viewing at the Grade 6 Graduation Dinner, and during our Presentation time before the highly anticipated Colour Fun Ru last Friday. Abbie, Pippa and Rhyla have recently run a small Zooper Dooper Fundraiser, raising $75 to start off our St. Francis donation for Caritas Project Compassion. Thanks to everyone who supported the girls in their effort. Last Tuesday the Grade Sixes enjoyed their orientation day at secondary school, while the Grade Fives joined together to spend some time with Mrs. Barnes in preparation for 2025. Graduation Mass was well attended, with all students offered the opportunity to take part in some way. It was a fabulous moment to see them all proudly standing with their Graduation Certificates during Mass. The Grade Sixes ended the day with their Graduation Dinner, reciting the Graduate Promise, signing the Graduation Book and each being presented with a Graduation Bear. We also farewelled the Lahn, Lewis, Quinn, Rudd, Sherer-Richards and Smith Families as their time at St. Francis comes to an end.
Student Leadership for 2025
Congratulations to our newly appointed School and House Captains who were announced at our Graduation Mass and will be presented with their badges at the opening school Mass in February.
School Captains.
Monica Pavlic-Briggs, Caitlin Murray, Indigo Hargreaves and Ariah Arkoshy.
House Captains
Keily - Isla Caldwell and Amelia Patone
Banyard - Porter Meyland and Blair Johns
Walsh - Rhyla McDowell and Ryder Walsh.
Awards 2024.
Inaugural Veronica Willams 'Being Extraordinary Everyday' Award - Pippa Bourke and Jordyn Rudd.
FMDM Awards - Grade 3-5 Students who make our school a welcoming community through their positive interactions, and their safe, responsible and caring behaviour - Monica Pavlic-Briggs and Darcy Redmond.
Rotary Award - for a student showing great potential to assist them with their foray into secondary education - Abbie McNair.