Years 5 & 6

Persuasive Writing and Speaking
Students completed their final copies of persuasive writing pieces this week. They started working on presenting this using a Power Point for their speaking tasks to be delivered this week. Parents could help listening to their child's speeches on the weekend and giving feedback.
Students completed their work on Multiplication and Division strategies.
Next week we are starting Fractions as the new unit in Maths. We will start with ordering of Fractions before moving to adding and subtracting and finishing off with conversions from fractions to numbers and decimals.
We will continue with their times tables as part of the speedy Maths and problem solving as part of their mental strategies.
Students started their Character Profiles for their reading texts. They will work on these next week using the character profile templates and the information they highlighted in their novels.
Grades 4-6 Annual Attitude to School Survey
The Attitude to School Survey wil be completed by all 5 and 6s next week on Wednesday. Students were not able to complete the survey due to the server outage this week. Now that the server is now replaced and up and going, they will be able to complete and we are still within the schedule given by the DET. We have till 14th June.
Individual Instrumental Performances
In addition to their school group performances, Ava and Pippa successfully competed against other musicians in individual instrument categories such as violin and piano. Congratulations to both of these super talented musicians of Cavendish Primary School.