This Week's Notes

Excellent Rural Tradition of 60 Years!
Dear Parents and guardians,
Each week I sit down to do these notes, I keep getting lost for words and filled with awe with my experiences of Cavendish students and the community events. This year is 60th Year of Hamilton Eisteddfod. Yes, 60 years of such a prestigious and distinguished celebration of school musical performances. What is not surprising at all is the fact that our children did an incredible job performing in front of a very important audience and winning 1st and 2nd Place for recorder group competition.
Seeing students practise relentlessly every week with Frau Barber, given the limited spaces, time and instruments, all their hard work paid off yesterday. They stole the show with a last minute win (literally last minute as we rushed to the bus before the final presentation). Students also received honourable mentions for their choir and instrumental group performances.
This year was also extra special as it was Frau Barber's final Eisteddfod! Frau Barber had a special presentation and it was very sad and heartbreaking to see Frau leave the competition for which she has been part of the organising committee for over 30 years. Frau Barber, from only my humble experiences has given a lot more than music to not only to Cavendish and other local schools but the whole community. Frau, we will miss you but your teachings will stay tuned in our ears forever for sure!!
It was also great to see Miss P volunteering at back stage on the day. It goes without saying that behind any successful events such as Eisteddfod, there is always an army of volunteer parents and for Cavendish it is the whole community of special people.
However, apart from thanking our staff for their unwavering dedication and work, I also do wish to thank in particular our school council president Tim Huff for lending the school his trailer over two days for transporting all the musical instruments and other equipment. Also, thanks to Tammy for being Tammy and carrying the whole school as she always does going well above and beyond. If there was a category for the most committed school business manager, Tammy would win by miles for sure.
On a final note, I wish you all a wonderful long weekend with much deserved rest and time with all your loved ones. Also, wishing all students the very best at the weekend footy, basketball and netball competitions. I am off to three games of soccer this week myself and as always, hoping to receive no injuries. I will finish off with Gandhi's words that, "It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."
Looking forward to seeing all students and families back at school on Tuesday.
Yashar Duyal
Acting Principal