Religious Education 

On May 24th, the FIRE Carrier leaders, Austin and Isabella, went on an excursion to be commissioned to be official FIRE Carriers with Mrs Doherty and Maree.


 First, we learnt about the history of the Australian Aboriginals compared to other ancient histories. The timeline started today, then showed us Britain's first fleet, then Dutch explorers, and continued with other parts of human history, eventually ending with Mungo man, approximately 42,000 years ago.

After recess we worked on our covenant, which is our promise of things that we are going to do in our school, to raise awareness of Australian Indigenous Culture and Reconciliation.

 After lunch we had a commissioning ceremony, where we read some readings, made promises, said some prayers and received a blessing.


By the end of the day we felt more official and confident of our role as FIRE Carrier leaders.


Written by Isabella and Austin.