From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • EREA Charter Renewal and Mission Strategy (CRaMS) Invitation to Open Forum and Online Forums
  • Lockdown and Emergency Evacuation Drills
  • Year 12 Reports and parent/teacher/student interviews
  • Year 5 and 7 2026 Enrolment Interviews
  • Staffing Update
  • Celebrating students who received one or more 'Outstanding' comments in their Term 1 Interim Reports (averaged across all subjects)
  • Key Dates
  • Cocurricular


Prayer of the Holy Trinity


Glory be to the Father,

Who by His almighty power and love created me,

making me in the image and likeness of God.

Glory be to the Son,

Who by His Precious Blood delivered me from hell,

and opened for me the gates of heaven.

Glory be to the Holy Spirit,

Who has sanctified me in the sacrament of Baptism,

and continues to sanctify me

by the graces I receive daily from His bounty.

Glory be to the Three adorable Persons of the Holy Trinity,

now and forever.



The Feast of the Holy Trinity will be celebrated this Sunday.  The doctrine of the Holy Trinity – that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are each equally and eternally the one true God.  Admittedly this is difficult to comprehend but the is the very foundation of Christian truth.  Traditionally, the Church expressed this as, God being revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three expressions or “persons” of one divine essence. The Trinity is one.  Catholics do not believe in three Gods but rather one God in a unity of three persons with one divine nature.  The mystery of God cannot be measured.  The Holy Trinity is an invitation to know God through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  We are attempting to establish a relationship with all three. 


Feast of Mary Help of Christians

Mary Help of Christians patroness of Australia (Feast Day: 24 May)

Almighty God, deepen in our hearts our love of Mary Help of Christians. 

Through her prayers and under her protection, 

may the light of Christ shine over our land.

May Australia be granted harmony, justice and peace.

Grant wisdom to our leaders and integrity to our citizens.

Bless especially the men and women 

of the Australian Defence Force and their families.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Mary Help of Christians - Pray for Us

Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

EREA Charter Renewal and Mission Strategy (CRaMS) Invitation to Open Forum and Online Forums

A reminder that all members of the St Pius X College are invited to join the Edmund Rice Education Australia national community to imagine how our school, and all Edmund Rice Education Australia schools, can be the best they can be for our young people and for our world.  We need the help of all our EREA communities to shape the future for over 41,000 young people.

If you would like to attend one of these forums, please use the registration links below to register for either the Open Forum at St Patrick's College or one of the online forums.

Open Forum Registration Link

Open Forum Online Registration Link

For those attending the Open Forum on 27 May see map of St Patrick's College below.

Lockdown and Emergency Lockdown Drill

Today, 23 May, the College completed its mandatory annual Lockdown and Emergency Evacuation Drills. Both students and staff were exemplary in conducting the drills respectfully. The College will review all relevant data to ensure we continue to provide a safe environment for everyone. We apologise to any visitors who had to participate in the drills and thank them for their understanding.

Year 12 Reports and Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

This is a very important time for Year 12 students who are halfway through their HSC courses.  This week parents, students and teachers were able to reflect on the current progress of the students and provide valuable feedback so that our Year 12 students can continue along their improvement journey as they complete their Year 12 studies in readiness for their HSC examinations later this year.  Hopefully students listen to the feedback and respond in a positive manner so that they can maximise their results.

Year 5 and Year 7 2026 Enrolment Interviews

Over the past three weeks, College staff have been interviewing prospective students for Year 5 and Year 7 for 2026. These interviews will conclude in the coming weeks, after which final decisions will be made regarding the offers to successful applicants. All interviewers have been highly impressed with the calibre of students wishing to attend St Pius X. We look forward to finalising these lists and welcoming the future graduates of St Pius X.

Staffing Update

On behalf of the College, I would like to thank Mr Mario Phaesie for his invaluable contributions to our community. Mr Phaesie will conclude his time with the College at the end of this week. Whether celebrating Bastille Day, participating in the cocurricular program, showcasing his musical talents, or organising World Cup festivities, Mr Phaesie has consistently been dedicated to St Pius X College and its community. We wish him great success in his future leadership role.

As we bid adieu to Mr Phaesie, we warmly welcome Ms Lucie Fernandez, who will be joining St Pius X as our new French language teacher. We hope and pray that Ms Fernandez's time with us will be as fruitful as Mr Phaesie's.

Celebrating students who received one or more 'Outstanding' comments in their Term 1 Interim Report (averaged across all subjects)

The Principal's morning tea on Wednesday, 22 May, provided an opportunity to recognise students who contribute to a positive learning environment and strive for excellence. This was our first time celebrating these achievements, and I hope it marks the beginning of a meaningful tradition for all students who work diligently across all subjects. Year 9 students will have their Principal's morning tea early next week, as they were unable to attend due to their P.E. commitments at Oxford Falls.

Key Dates


Despite the weather challenges, it was another successful weekend for St Pius X. The Macquarie University Playing Fields were cold and occasionally wet, but our students, particularly the football teams, demonstrated great skill and determination. Whether we win or lose, as long as we enjoy the game, perform as a team, and respect our opponents, we remain true to the St Pius X way.

Please remember that ONLY school-crested apparel is to be worn to and from games. If it is cold, wear warmer clothing under the College apparel.

This week, we host St Aloysius’ in rugby for the annual Ross Fagan Shield. We wish all our rugby teams success as they compete for this prestigious shield.

Additionally, a reminder that if any students are supporting teams in cocurricular events they must wear either their full College winter uniform or the College sport uniform.


Best wishes to all our teams this weekend.

Go the Blue and Gold this week.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal