Old Boys' News 

In Memoriam

Major General Brian (Hori) Howard AO MC ESM,

Major General Brian (Hori) Howard AO MC ESM, graduated in 1955. Hori started his military career in the cadets and was the first ex-student from the school to gain entry into Duntroon Military College. 

He served in Vietnam as a Captain in the infantry and was awarded the Military Cross for his bravery under fire during the infamous Tet Offensive of 1968. Later he fought in another major battle at a location known as “Fire Support Base Coral”. Hori later rose to the rank of Major General.

He led an active life after Military Service, leading the NSW SES from 1989 to 2001 during which time he oversaw the development of that organisation in a range of areas and managed its responses to many local emergencies. 

Hori was a great supporter of the College. He was good company and worked hard for the wellbeing of all, particularly, of later the veteran community. 

The College passes on its condolences to the families and friends of both Major General Howard and also James Dimitroff (mentioned last week in Woodchatta) who passed away recently. These fine men are well remembered in our community. 

Mr Tony Cunneen - Head of Publications and Promotions