Level 3: Connect

Claire Parsons, Jana Hain / Lizzie Parmar, Eileen Thompson / Amanda Stanford

What you can do at home to practise and revise our learning...

Our Level 3 Homework books will now be staying at home so we always have a place to practise our learning. SEPS is reviewing our Homework Policy so stay tuned for more information. We will be adding 2 weeks of spelling words into our newsletter and provide some suggested activities that you can do at home. We ask that students read on a minimum of 4 days per week and log it in their diary. 


Week 7 are words that have been commonly miss-pelt in our Spelling Mastery lessons

Week 8 are 'ough' words with the different pronunciations that it makes


Exploring Creativity in Literacy

In the last two weeks, students have been getting better at writing creatively by learning about personification and making up comparisons like similes and metaphors using regular words. We've seen some really good examples of their creative writing skills. We've been using a book called "A Rock is Lively" to help us. Next, we'll be looking at the grammar and language used in our book. Students have continued to engage with texts that are expanding their reading and comprehension skills, along with expanding their vocabularies as we identify and find the definitions of unknown words.


Maths Adventure

In Maths we have been skip counting and practising the doubling strategy to build our fluency in knowing our multiplication facts. We've also been playing a multiplication board game called Mathopoly. Next, we'll keep practising multiplying and start looking at the relationship between multiplication and division.


We have been singing along to some great videos.




Inspiring Talks

This week, we've had some special talks that have inspired us! We watched TED talks about amazing young people who are solving big problems, starting right in their own schools. It reminded us how powerful our ideas can be and how we can make a difference. For the rest of the term, we'll be thinking about what matters to us and how we can help make our school and world a better place!


Gardening Fun

In our gardening sessions, we've been learning all about plants and soil! We've seen how healthy soil helps seeds grow, and we even got our hands dirty helping to fill trays with soil. We also learned a clever trick for making perfect holes for planting seeds using sticks!


Cooking Creations

The highlight of our week was definitely cooking with Mr. Marco! We had so much fun making pasta with meatballs. We hope some of our students will try making it at home too! 


Every day we have been completing one piece of assessment and the students have been very resilient with the changes to our day.


That's all for now, but stay tuned for more exciting adventures ahead!


The level 3 team: Claire, Jana, Lizzie, Amanda and Eileen