Problem of the Week

By Trudy Gau

Congratulations to Charlie B (0C), Connor B (3A) and Isla S (2C) who were our winners last week and earned the title, 'Problem Solvers of the Week'. Thank you to all of those that entered - it could be you next time.


Door Problem

This is my absolute favourite problem - so apologies if you have seen it before. You are going to need lots of resilience and persistence for this one:)


There are eight doors in a row. Behind each door is a number. 

  • Each number is less than 20
  • No two numbers are the same, and the number on the doors are in order.
  • Three of the numbers are prime numbers
  • Two of the numbers are square numbers
  • Two of the numbers are multiples of 5
  • Five of the numbers are even
  • Three is a factor of two of the numbers
  • There is a pair of consecutive numbers, and four consecutive number on the doors.
  • The numbers sum to 93.
  • What are the numbers behind the doors?


Because this is such a tricky one, here is an enabling prompt if you need a bit of help:

Square number video:

Prime and composite numbers video:

Factors and multi0ples video:

Consecutive numbers definition: