Their Care 

Hi Everyone,


We have been continuing to base our activities on a different country each week .

Last week was a very successful Italian Week !


We talked about Leonardo Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa and the children got to paint self-portraits of themselves, a friend or someone famous . 

Olivia Rodrigo seemed to be a winner . 


The children made pasta people and had the usual fun with slime .

We also celebrated  Ilaria's 6th birthday with vanilla cupcakes . 


The children enjoyed home made Spaghetti Bolognaise, Bruschetta and Jamie Oliver's recipe for pizza flatbread! 

The morning crew also enjoyed a pancake breakfast with my flipping pancake assistant Isla. 


This week we are learning about  Japan . Origami was yesterday and today they made a Japanese Garden. Last but not least plenty of outdoor play . They just can’t get enough.


Until next time !


Enjoy the rest of your week.

Melissa - Their Care