Level 6: Connect

Kristy Cullen, Kym Seccull, Richelle Fraser & Anthony Klvac 

Wow, week 6 already!  This week has been our Literacy assessment week and next week we will assess the students mathematics skills. Please help us by ensuring that your child remembers to charge their laptop and bring it to school every day. 




St Kilda players visit Level 6

Last Monday, we were fortunate to have a number of players from the St Kilda Football Club come to visit Level 6. They gave a brief overview of their career thus far and then spent the remainder answering questions written by our House Captains. The students' were interested in the player's diet, training, team allegiance, recruitment, being a role model and AFLW. The players were a marvellous representation of young adults and were wonderful role models for our students.




We are consolidating our Partner Reading scheme, with students completing daily reading fluency. Every student has been partnered with another to read with each day. The same passage will be read throughout the week. Research has shown that this type of task has a profound impact on reading fluency and comprehension. As a team, the teachers are looking forward to analysing the results to further develop their practice. 


A reminder that next week we start work on the novel 'Wonder' by R.J. Palacio. Students are expected to have read up to page 75 by next Monday . A copy of the eBook is available on Teams.



During mathematics sessions we have been studying multiplicative strategies. These strategies enable us to complete multiplication equations.

For example,      59 x 3

Some of the strategies we could use include:

  • Partitioning - 50 x 3 = 150 + 9 x 3 = 27 = 177
  • Rounding and adjusting - 60 x 3 = 180 - 3 = 177
  • Decomposing - 59 x 2 = 108 + 59 x 1 = 59,  108 + 59 = 17

This week we have also worked on the volume of rectangular prisms, this has enabled us to apply our multiplication strategies.



Our History and Geography focus has been on maps, migration, and the impact that humans have on places. Students have learnt the skills required to create timelines and to observe changes to the environment as the result of humans. Students have now started to research the historical and geographical features of a country that is participating in the 2024 Paris Olympics. They will share their project with you during the 3-way interviews that are scheduled for later in the term (more information about the interviews will be sent via Compass in the coming weeks).


Homework ~ moving forward, homework will be posted on the Level 6: Connect. If you would like your child to complete work at home...

Reading - it is important that students read most nights. 20 minutes before bed is the ideal reading routine.

Maths - there are revision sheets available in the Homework folder on Teams - General/Term 2/Homework.  Students could also complete the Problem of the Week in this newsletter, or go to the Problem Solving folder on Teams.


Interschool Sport

Sport training commenced this week. A reminder the schedule is as follows:

Coaches have also reached out for volunteers to accompany teams to and from the matches. Please contact your child's team coach or the office if you have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and are able to help out. If we are unable to get the helpers to attend, sadly SEPS will have to forfeit matches and cannot leave the school grounds.


Cross Country 

Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the District Cross Country. These students should be proud of their efforts on the course and during the day.

4 Level 6 students qualified for Divisions and were wonderful representatives on Thursday.




This fortnight our Level 6 and Level 1 Buddies learnt the story of the Rainbow Serpent and worked together to create two beautiful murals. One for the Level 1 area in the JLC and one for the Level 6 area in the SLC. Stay tuned for a picture of the students' creation! 


Next week is National Reconciliation Week.  There are a lot of beautiful books on Story Box Library that you could share as a family during this week.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable fortnight ahead.


The Level 6 Teaching Team