Level 5: Connect

5A Michelle Stainforth, 5B Joshua Miller, 5C Michael Day 


We have begun assessments in preparation for report writing. To minimise stress, our team has carefully planned the schedule to ensure students can complete their assessments without feeling overwhelmed. However, if a student misses a day, they may need to complete more than one assessment in a day. Therefore, students must have their laptops charged each day. Please encourage them to charge their laptops the night before. 




We continue our deep analysis of R.J Palacio's novel 'Wonder', pulling apart sentence structures and language to use in the student's own writing. For Reading, students continue reading a passage out loud to their partner. This has been implemented to improve student's oral reading fluency and overall reading comprehension. 


Also, for your information, we have renewed our access to Story Box Library. This website allows parents and students access to a vast array of books for the students to read at home. The Username is 'seps' and the Password is 'seps'. Happy Reading!




Students this fortnight have been investigating probability and chance events. Understanding of these concepts assists in the development of students problem-solving skills. By grappling with chance concepts, students must weigh possibilities and analyze data to make judgements about likelihood. It enhances their critical thinking ability, introduces them to data analysis and it is the foundation to statistics. Of course, it is also a unit that is a lot of fun to participate in. Specifically, the students have investigated these concepts through coin tosses and dice. They express their understanding through fractions and probability language of likely events.




We are continuing to explore ways to keep ourselves safe through the foods we eat and the choices we make.  Students have role played scenarios to identify risk including peer pressure and how to safely navigate their way out of them. 




The Zones of Regulation is a program that help students identify and regulate emotions. The zones  are defined by colours which encompass many different emotions.  While all emotions are important we recognise that the green zone is the most effective learning zone. So our work with students is about learning regulation.




Sports training continues this week. A reminder the schedule is as follows:

Coaches have also reached out for volunteers to accompany teams to and from the matches. Please contact your child's team coach or the office if you have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) and can help out. If we are unable to get the helpers to attend, sadly SEPS will have to forfeit matches and cannot leave the school grounds.


Next week SEPS has a bye round and there will be no interschool sport games.