Information For Parents
If you are having difficulty setting up an account for your child, I have been told stbren will get you St Brendan's Somerville.
The wellbeing and safety of all children in our school is something that we take very seriously.
We are often asked if we are a nut free school. The answer can be quite complex. We encourage a ‘nut free’ environment to cater for and assist children with allergies. We can not make this mandatory but will suggest parents refrain from providing students with spreads such as, peanut butter, nutella etc.
We do however, have several Nut Free classrooms throughout the school. This is in place because there are students in that class with severe allergies.
The following classes are a Nut Free/ Food Allergy Aware Zones
Thank you for your consideration and support with this matter.
Bernie Turner
Please check your childs uniform.
We have had a lot of calls and requests from parents in regards to missing and lost uniform pieces. Please check you childs uniform, make sure it's labelled and return any that do not belong to your family.
Many thanks.
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Order Process
The uniform shop is open on a Friday
8.45am - 9.15am
Order forms are available at the front office if you are unable to attend at opening time.
The uniform shop is located at the back of the Multipurpose Room
Please remember to label your child's uniform clearly
Thanks Tanya and Michelle
Second Hand Uniform / Uniform Exchange
Please complete the uniform exchange form and return any items to be exchanged to the office.
Student Absence
If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please let us know by 9.30am the morning of their absence. This can be done by either calling the Absentee Line 5977 7277 and leaving a message or via Audiri Absentee Form.
Canteen Menu
Wednesday's ongoing during school terms (unless told otherwise), lunch orders will be available. Please find attached the instructions on how to order your child(rens) lunch order. Online orders need to be submitted by 7pm Tuesday evening for the order to be filled by Wednesday.
Sick Bay
Changes to the giving of Medication
All Students who regular receive or temporarily receive medication, need to have a St Brendan's Medication Authority Form filled in and signed by a AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist before it can be administered by St Brendan Staff.
This has been sent out through Operoo and is available to fill out as required.
Children are not permitted to administer their own medication. Medication must be administered with adult supervision and written parental permission.
Asthma Management Plan
Parents of students who are known to be asthmatic; be it occasional or regular, are asked to provide the school with an Asthma Management Plan and their own named personal medication.
Students should have their medication with them in the classroom.
Medication Authority Form needs to be filled out and signed by a AHPRA medical practitioner or pharmacist.
Do we have the most up to date Action Plan for your child?
If your child has an action plan and there have been recent updates or changes, you need to bring an updated copy to the front office.
If your child has a new diagnosis with an Action Plan for Asthma, Anaphylaxis or any allergies you need to supply a copy to the office as soon as possible.
Please install our Audiri app as this our form of communication other than our fortnightly newletter. Please find the instructions attached.
The School Facebook Page
Please like us on Facebook and we look forward to sharing good news stories about our wonderful school.
Please follow us on Instagram