Kinder/Year 1

This week K/1 visited the Library to participate in the National Simultaneous Storytime activities hosted by the staff of Tumbarumba Library. There were over two million children tuned in at the same time nationally and internationally as well! We listened to other stories about bowerbirds and did a craft activity. Students in years 2-6 also participated from school in this event.
At the same time as a part of our writing about animals and their homes, Year One researched bowerbirds and their curious habits. Our writing this term so far has been to learn to write facts in statement sentences with full stops, capital letters and conjunctions such as because, but and so. We are creating a book about bowerbird facts. They are fascinating creatures!
Here are some facts you may not already know.
Josh: Boy bowerbirds collect blue and yellow and shiny things.
Oliver: Bowerbirds built tall bowers and they are short-lived.
Tommy: The male wants to impress the female to come into the bower. If she doesn’t, he needs to work harder.
Henry: They collect blue because it is different from the bush.
Zoe: Male bowerbirds steal from other bowers.
Alice: Only boy bowerbirds make bowers.
Joe: Bowerbirds collect blue then they dance to get a female.
A student plans, creates and revises texts written for different purposes, including paragraphs, using knowledge of vocabulary, text features and sentence structure.