Saints' of the Week

Saint: Saint Rita
Virtue: Patience
Feast Day: 22nd May
At an early age, Rita begged her parents to allow her to enter a convent. Instead, they
arranged a marriage for her.
Rita became a good wife and mother, but her husband mistreated her. He taught their children his evil ways. One day her husband was stabbed by an enemy, but before he died he was sorry for his sins because Rita prayed for him. Shortly afterward her two sons died and Rita was alone.
Rita spent her time in prayer, penance and good works. She entered the convent of the Augustinian nuns.
Sister Rita had a great devotion to the Passion of Christ. “Please let me suffer like you, divine Saviour,” she said one day and suddenly one of the thorns from the crucifix struck her on the forehead. It left a deep wound that did not heal and which caused her much suffering for the rest of her life.
People pray to St Rita to help them in their family problems because she was a good example of a wife and mother.
Saint: Joan of Arc
Virtue: Courage
Feast Day: 30th May
Joan was born in France in 1412. She helped her brothers on the farm and often went to a
nearby chapel to pray to Jesus.
When she was seventeen, Joan heard the voice of God calling to her to drive the enemies of France from the land. Going to the king, whose army was defeated, she asked for a small army. The king believing that God had sent her to save France, gave her a band of brave soldiers.
Joan went before the soldiers carrying her banner with the words: “Jesus, Mary.” The soldiers became filled with courage and drove the British army away.
Joan fell into the hands of the British and remained in prison for nine months. She was asked why she had gone to confession almost every day. She said: “My soul can never be made too clean. I firmly believe that I shall surely be saved.”
She was taken to the marketplace of Rouen and burned to death. With her eyes on the crucifix, she cried out, “Jesus, Jesus,” through the flames.