Indonesian Incursion 

‘Halo keluarga!’ (Hello families)


We are on the count down to the Indonesian incursion that is happening here at school on Monday the 3rd of June. Although Aaron and Nita from ‘Baguskan!’ are mainly working with F-2 students, the whole school will be treated to a ‘Wayang Kulit’ (shadow puppet) performance to start the day, then Years 3-6 will form the audience for the F-2 performance at 2:30.

The Foundation and Year 1 cohorts will be learning traditional dances from Indonesia and performing them to the whole school. Year 2 students will be working with instruments from a gamelan orchestra, and selected students will perform a song to accompany a role play by selected Year 1 students. 



If you would like to come along to the gym on Monday at 2:30pm to watch the performance, you’re more than welcome. I look forward to sharing lots of photos from the day with you via Seesaw and in next week’s newsletter. 


Terima kasih banyak! 

Bu Kate