Principal Message

Dear Families,


NRW: National Reconciliation Action Week is being celebrated across the school in a variety of ways this week. Students began this week with a colouring competition, some in-class activities, will be a part of an amazing mural Kim Kenny is leading this week and will finish the week with a Welcome to Country smoking ceremony on Friday from 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend and at this stage we are planning the Soccer pitch to be the area but will need to wait on the weather! Let’s do our best as a community to embrace our indigenous community and enhance reconciliation as best we can.


School Crossings: We kindly remind you to adhere to all parking regulations around the school premises. Properly following these laws ensures the safety of our students and smooth traffic flow for everyone. Please avoid double parking, blocking driveways, and stopping in no-parking & disabled zones. Also, ensure you and your children are crossing the road by using the designated school crossings at all times.


House shirts for Friday: I know we wear them on a Wednesday usually and they maybe in the wash tonight, but if we can wear them on Friday as part of the NRW activities and Welcome to Country ceremony, it would certainly add to the occasion. Please wear your House shirt on Friday if you can! 


'May Day': When great people get together and plan an event, it is no surprise that it is a success. May Day was held last weekend at the One Day Estate Winery and from all reports this week, was outstanding. Families from out of our area wish they had an event like this at their school. When you bump into Georgia or one of her teammates, please thank them (again and again) and even ask if you can help out on the next event or two. Another big thank you to our P&F for organising such amazing events for our school community. Thank you to One Day Estate for generously hosting the event too. Our P&F continues to build strong connections in Ocean Grove and across the community. 


Swimming: The F-2 swimming has come to an end. Well done to everyone involved. A special thank you to all of the staff who volunteered to take on an extra yard duty whilst the swimming program was being conducted and to all the family volunteers who braved the bus ride and helped at the pool, we thank you!


Mr Kev & Schmick: Ever wondered how our school maintenance occurs… not the big stuff, but the day to maintenance of a place with nearly 700 people on site, 5 days per week… Mr Kev does so much work after hours and on weekends to keep the school safe and maintained. He is ably supported by Mick ‘Schmick’ Malecki who maintains the gardens and grounds and keeps them “Schmick”. We are so fortunate to have these people dedicated to the school. Thanks Mr Kev and Schmick! 


Inclusive Playground: The ISF playground will not be accessible on Thursday/Friday as contractors will be fixing up a few things as part of the defect period. Please be mindful of this area later this week.  


Lightning Premierships: The old ‘round robin’ sports competition, known as Lightning Prems, are on tomorrow. Thanks to Mr Horbury for coordinating the lightning prems and we wish all teams the very best. We look forward to hearing about the results. Good luck everyone!


Flood mitigation works: Over the past two years, Mrs H and I have been working closely with the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) to mitigate flood damage to our school site. Some may recall the Senior Learning Centre (SLC) being flooded on the day before school started in January 2022. We had to relocate over 200 students around the school! We are nearing the final stage of this work which will occur on the top basketball court from MONDAY 3rd June. Unfortunately, more cyclone fencing will need to be installed and access between the Admin building and Library/OSH will not be available.  It is expected that the final stage of the drainage remediation project (on the top basketball court) will commence next week and hopefully finish by the end of the holidays. Mrs H will supply more information in the newsletter too. Please use alternate entries next week.


Indonesian Incursion: Bu Kate has an amazing day of Indonesian activities planned for next Monday. There are whole school sessions at 9am and 2:30pm, as well as workshops throughout the day for F-2. Please be at school on time to maximise these amazing experiences that have been planned by Kate. 


Curriculum Day: Next Friday, 7th June, is a curriculum day, and students will not be attending school. For parents who require care for their children on this day, Camp Australia will be available to provide their services. Please ensure to make necessary arrangements in advance if you need this support.


Have a great week everyone and keep an eye on the weather for Friday’s Welcome to Country ceremony. 


Hope to see you there.


Scott McCumber
