Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden Experiences for Foundation KB
Over the course of Term 2, our Foundation students have engaged in a number of Kitchen Garden sessions. We began with exploring our wonderful garden space, discovering and discussing what was growing, including what herbs and plants we recognised. We then investigated one of the propagating techniques of taking a cutting from some of our plants that we we already growing to see if we could get them to reproduce by placing them in water. It is great when the students can explore, share and then make connections with home. One of our students pointed out that smelling rosemary reminded him of his dad’s roasts and that this was therefore his favourite herb.
The students had the exciting opportunity to revisit their cuttings last week. Even though some looked a bit murky and the water they were sitting in had turned brown, to our excitement - after close inspection - we found that little shoots of roots had developed. We compared these with small seedlings of sage, thyme and lavender that had developed more of a root structure through growing in soil. Our students then planted these seedlings in our creatively decorated terracotta pots from our Visual Arts sessions, which were given to our grandparents and special friends when they visited our school last Thursday. This was a great way to integrate our school gardening experiences with family and home.
The Foundation students will be in the kitchen cooking for our next Kitchen Garden session on Tuesday 25th June, which the students, Ms Briggs and I are looking forward to. Many recipe ideas are already flowing, with requests from students to cook pizza, tzatziki dip and even grilled octopus!
You will have to wait and see what we whip up!
Ms Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Coordinator