Specialist Classes

In STEM, the students in 1/2 have been learning all about the words ‘algorithm’ and ‘program’ in preparation for their unit on CODE.org. This lesson involved the students displaying a map on the floor with hidden treasure and then ‘programming’ a student using a set of universal hand symbols to represent north, east, south, west, rest and stop to find the treasure. There were lots of laughs and all the treasure was successfully located by the end of the lesson!!!!
Students have been learning and building on sewing skills and exploring textile art. F-3 students had a go at collaborative sewing with a partner and were challenged to working as a team. 4-6 students have been working on their felt lolly sewing projects.
Local Art competition- KCLC
KCLC in Kyabram are giving students the chance to win free tickets to the movie screening of the upcoming movie ‘IF’.
Below are the details. If any students wish to enter we can also arrange for their submissions to be taken over the KCLC before the deadline if needed.
Competition Details:
- Theme: Draw Your Imaginary Friend
- Submission: Students can submit their artwork to KCLC Reception
- Deadline: Competition closes 5pm 15th June 2024
- Announcement of Winners: 18th June 2024