Gate to Plate Challenge

Congratulations to all the students who attended the Gate to Plate Challenge on Wednesday 27th of March in Albany. Students competed against students from other agricultural Colleges in a range of events including Feeding and Nutrition, Vaccines, General Knowledge, Cattle Selection and Livestock Handling. 


I’m pleased to announce that Harvey Ag College was the overall runner up team on the day. Additionally, congratulations to the following students who had placings in individual events:

  • 2nd Place Feeding and Nutrition – Chelsea Bario
  • 2nd Place Vaccines – Sean Smith 
  • 3rd Place Vaccines – William McLarty
  • 1st Place General Knowledge – Matilda Patten 
  • 2nd Place Cattle Selection – Jasmine Stowe
  • 1st Place All Topics – Amelia Addison 
  • 2nd Place All Topics – Sean Walker 
  • 1st Place Bendigo Bank Industry Engagement Award – William McLarty

Well done to all involved, the College is proud of your achievements. 

Morning Muster

Farm staff and students have commenced meeting and mustering in the Farm workshop. This change has been implemented to better align with what occurs in industry and to improve vehicle pre-start processes. Thank you to students for their willingness to adapt to this change. 


Jack’s Track

It has been really pleasing to see so many students keen to use the fantastic motor cross track at the College. This week, interested students began preparing the track after school. Thank you to past staff member Ellice Foster for your advice, guidance and involvement. Farm staff are hopeful that students can commence riding on the track soon and that this will become a regular after school activity. 



Equine students and staff have been working well to organise the facilities and level the sand on the arena. I am pleased to announce that the College will be building a new f shed in coming weeks.


Daily Farm Roster

Due to some recent staffing changes on the Farm and student movement, there is a new Daily Farm Roster. Students are encouraged to check the roster prior to their next farm day. 


Weekend Stock Roster

Year 10 and 11 students are encouraged to take special note of the Weekend Stock Roster as their attendance is a requirement of their Farm learning program. If a student is unable to attend their weekend stock duty, it is their responsibility to arrange a swap with another student at least 1 week prior to their rostered weekend. Students who fail to complete their weekend stock duty will be rostered for additional weekend duties. Repeated non-attendance will result in a loss of Good Standing until weekend stock duties have been fulfilled.


Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Tony Abel (Farm Manager) if you require further information regarding the Farm Training program. 

Patrick Swallow