
For our parents and carers it is important to advise the College of known absences in advance. This is separate to REACH and is a Department of Education requirement so we as a College can mark your child’s leave with the appropriate category. Without evidence or an email sent in prior explaining the circumstances of your child's absence will be marked as an “unapproved absence”. This has the potential to affect a student’s 'good standing'. When the school has prior notice of an absence we are better placed to approve leave submitted into REACH which relates to our Residential.



We have had a number of vaping related issues at the College in recent weeks including the recovery of a large number of vapes from some of our bush block areas. The response from the College is simple – we do not tolerate vaping in any form. Students found with a vape will be suspended on the first instance for two days, on the second instance for four days and on the third instance for six days. The loss of 'good standing' is one week for each day of suspension. Please support the College by having conversations with your child about vaping and the potential long term harm to their health that these products can cause. 


Students suspended for vaping related incidents will also have a re-entry meeting that includes a compulsory session with our College nurse who talks about the health risks from vaping.