Sports News

Sports Action
Over the past few weeks we have had school sport representation for the college.
Please see below the outcomes of some events.
Senior Girls Football
Senior girls had a god day out winning 2 out of 3 games, they will now progress to the next round. Well done to coach Brooke and team.
Year 7 Boy and Year 8 Girls Netball.
On Thursday 30th May, year 8 girls and year 7 boys headed to Millum Millum stadium to play in the netball round robin. The boys had a wonderful day out winning 2 out of 3 games that will now progress them through to the next round.
The girls won 2 out of 3 games only going down to Macleod by 4 goals in the final game.
Both the boys and girls team did a wonderful job in the way they represented the school. Well done to all involved and good luck to the boys in the next round.
Year 8 Soccer
On Thursday 30th May year 8 boys headed down to Banyule flats to play in the soccer round robin. The boys had a great day out winning 3 out of 4 games going down to Greensborough by 2 goals in the last game.
The girls played at Charles Latrobe winning 8-1. They will now move onto the next round on 14th August. Congratulations to all involved.
Year 8 Badminton
Thursday 30th May seen our boys and girls badminton team head out to Montmorency for the round robin. The girls had a great day finishing first and the boys finished 4th. The girls will move to the next round on 29th August. Well done to all who attended the day.
Year 7 and 8 Girls Aussie Rules
On Tuesday 21st May year 7-8 girls played Aussie Rules. They had a squad of 31.
We lost all 3 games but the team spirit remains high. Abbey Lewis captained admirably and was ably supported by Julia and Chloe as co-captains. 16 of the 31 Viewbank squad had there first game of Aussie Rules. Well done to all involved.