VHAP Dance Incursion

VHAP Dance Incursion
On Monday, 27th of May, on a cold freezing morning, 5 Dance students put their all into a dance workshop in commercial jazz, a mock-audition in commercial jazz plus Q&A time with Skylar Delphinus, a professional dancer and performer from The Australian Dance Council.
Students were put through their paces and learnt a lot about themselves as performers, dancers but also people.
Looking forward to a similar event next year and hopefully some male dancers participating as well!
Seriously though, research into high ability indicates it is not only literacy and numeracy but also physical ability as well. Thank you to ARC and the Department of Education for providing these valuable opportunities for our students.
Well done Eunice Antunes Torres, Isabella Brewster, Jacinta Li, Lily Romanes and Ella Shepherd.
Stav Mouzakis