
Learn2Learn Program in Launch
All students in Years 7 to 10 have participated in a Learn2Learn program.
The purpose of the program was for students to gain a better understanding of how they learn, to identify their role in the classroom during the learning process, and to share strategies of how to be an active learner.
Students discussed what is means to have a growth mindset, to be able to identify their own emotions in their learning, and strategies to regulate these emotions, and identify different types of feedback that helps students grow in their learning. Practical strategies were shared about how to keep students organised at school with their locker and belongings, how to keep track of homework and study planners, and how to manage their time effectively. Our Year 9 and 10 students developed metacognitive skills to enhance their literacy capabilities, which can be applied across all subjects.
Thanks to all the students who engaged in this program, the Launch teachers who facilitated the lessons, and to Caitlin Vine who developed this curriculum.
Some examples of student work, and student reflections are below.
The students in the photo are, from left to right: Jojo Ji, Emily Nelson, Ella Buchanan, Anna Zhao (All Year 10).
They completed a learning task to draw a popular cartoon character from memory alone and then follow a YouTube tutorial on how to draw that cartoon character following step-by-step visual and auditory cues. They then compared the two illustrations, reflected on their preferred visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic learning styles.
Jamie Lyncoln
Learn2learn will help me with taking responsibility for managing my tasks because it made me understand the importance of practice and repetition.
Learn2learn has helped me understand the process of learning and when is the most important to process and pay attention while learning.
Learn2learn will help me by understanding that it doesn't hurt to ask questions to back up and know that I understood my learning.
Sam Cruickshank Stella Year 7