The Senior Secondary Australian Curriculum: Mathematics consists of four subjects in mathematics, with each subject organised into four units. The subjects are differentiated, each focusing on a pathway that will meet the learning needs of a particular group of senior secondary students.
Mathematics Essentials focuses on enabling students to use mathematics effectively, efficiently and critically to make informed decisions in their daily lives. Mathematics Essentials provides students with the mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts, in a range of workplace, personal, further learning and community settings. This subject offers students the opportunity to prepare for post-school options of employment and further training.
Year 11
Unit 1
Unit 1 provides students with the mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems relating to calculations, applications of measurement, the use of formulas to find an unknown quantity, and the interpretation of graphs. Teachers are encouraged to apply the content of all topics in contexts which are meaningful and of interest to their students. A variety of approaches could be used to achieve this. Two contexts which could be used in this unit are Mathematics and foods and Earning and managing money. However, these contexts may not be relevant for all students, and teachers are encouraged to find a suitable context that will make the mathematical topics of this unit relevant for their particular student cohort.
Unit 2
Unit 2 provides students with the mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems related to representing and comparing data, percentages, rates and ratios, and time and motion. Teachers are encouraged to apply the content of all topics in contexts which are meaningful and of interest to the students. A variety of approaches could be used to achieve this purpose. Two possible contexts which could be used in this unit to achieve this goal are Mathematics and cars and Mathematics and independent living. However these contexts may not be relevant for all students, and teachers are encouraged to find a suitable context that will make the mathematical topics of this unit relevant for their particular student cohort.
Year 12
Unit 3
This unit provides students with the mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems related to measurement, scales, plans and models, drawing and interpreting graphs, and data collection. Teachers are encouraged to apply the content of the four topics in this unit – ‘Measurement’, ‘Scales, plans and models’, ‘Graphs’ and ‘Data collection’ – in a context which is meaningful and of interest to the students. A variety of approaches can be used to achieve this purpose. Two possible contexts which may be used in this unit are Mathematics and design and Mathematics and medicine. It is assumed that an extensive range of technological applications and techniques will be used in teaching this unit. The ability to choose when and when not to use some form of technology, and the ability to work flexibly with technology, are important skills.
Unit 4
This unit provides students with the mathematical skills and understanding to solve problems related to probability, Earth geometry and time zones, and loans and compound interest. Teachers are encouraged to apply the content of the three topics in this unit – ‘Probability and relative frequencies’, ‘Earth geometry and time zones’ and ‘Loans and compound interest' – in a context which is meaningful and of interest to the students. A variety of approaches can be used to achieve this purpose. Two possible contexts which may be used in this unit are Mathematics of finance and Mathematics of travelling. It is assumed that an extensive range of technological applications and techniques will be used in teaching this unit. The ability to choose when and when not to use some form of technology, and the ability to work flexibly with technology, are important skills.
Mathematics Applications is designed for those students who want to extend their mathematical skills beyond Year 10 level but whose future studies or employment pathways do not require knowledge of calculus. The subject is designed for students who have a wide range of educational and employment aspirations, including continuing their studies at university or TAFE. Throughout the subject, there is also an emphasis on the use and application of digital technologies.
Year 11
Unit 1
Unit 1 has three topics: ‘Consumer arithmetic’, ‘Algebra and matrices’, and ‘Shape and measurement’. ‘Consumer arithmetic’ reviews the concepts of rate and percentage change in the context of earning and managing money, and provides fertile ground for the use of spreadsheets. ‘Algebra and matrices’ continues the F-10 study of algebra and introduces the new topic of matrices. ‘Shape and measurement’ extends the knowledge and skills students developed in the F-10 curriculum with the concept of similarity and associated calculations involving simple and compound geometric shapes. The emphasis in this topic is on applying these skills in a range of practical contexts, including those involving three-dimensional shapes.
Unit 2
Unit 2 has three topics: ‘Univariate data analysis and the statistical investigation process’, ‘Linear equations and their graphs’, and ‘Applications of trigonometry’. ‘Univariate data analysis and the statistical investigation process’ develops students’ ability to organise and summarise univariate data in the context of conducting a statistical investigation. ‘Applications of trigonometry’ extends students’ knowledge of trigonometry to solve practical problems involving non-right-angled triangles in both two and three dimensions, including problems involving the use of angles of elevation and depression, and bearings in navigation ‘Linear equations and their graphs’ uses linear equations and straight-line graphs, as well as linear-piecewise and step graphs, to model and analyse practical situations.
Year 12
Unit 3
This unit has three topics: ‘Bivariate data analysis’, ‘Growth and decay in sequences’ and ‘Graphs and networks’. ‘Bivariate data analysis’ introduces students to some methods for identifying, analysing and describing associations between pairs of variables, including the use of the least-squares method as a tool for modelling and analysing linear associations. The content is to be taught within the framework of the statistical investigation process. ‘Growth and decay in sequences’ employs recursion to generate sequences that can be used to model and investigate patterns of growth and decay in discrete situations. These sequences find application in a wide range of practical situations, including modelling the growth of a compound interest investment, the growth of a bacterial population, or the decrease in the value of a car over time. Sequences are also essential to understanding the patterns of growth and decay in loans and investments that are studied in detail in Unit 4. ‘Graphs and networks’ introduces students to the language of graphs and the ways in which graphs, represented as a collection of points and interconnecting lines, can be used to model and analyse everyday situation.
Unit 4
This unit has three topics: ‘Time series analysis’; ‘Loans, investments and annuities’ and ‘Networks and decision mathematics’. ‘Time series analysis’ continues students’ study of statistics by introducing them to the concepts and techniques of time series analysis. The content is to be taught within the framework of the statistical investigation process. ‘Loans and investments and annuities’ aims to provide students with sufficient knowledge of financial mathematics to solve practical problems associated with taking out or refinancing a mortgage and making investments. ‘Networks and decision mathematics’ uses networks to model and aid decision making in practical situations.
The major themes of Mathematics Methods are calculus and statistics. They include as necessary prerequisites studies of algebra, functions and their graphs, and probability. They are developed systematically, with increasing levels of sophistication and complexity. Calculus is essential for developing an understanding of the physical world because many of the laws of science are relationships involving rates of change. Statistics is used to describe and analyse phenomena involving uncertainty and variation. For these reasons this subject provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles. It is also advantageous for further studies in the health and social sciences. In summary, the subject Mathematical Methods is designed for students whose future pathways may involve mathematics and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level.
For all content areas of Mathematical Methods, the proficiency strands of the F-10 curriculum are still applicable and should be inherent in students’ learning of this subject. These strands are Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning, and they are both essential and mutually reinforcing. For all content areas, practice allows students to achieve fluency in skills, such as calculating derivatives and integrals, or solving quadratic equations, and frees up working memory for more complex aspects of problem solving. The ability to transfer skills to solve problems based on a wide range of applications is a vital part of mathematics in this subject. Because both calculus and statistics are widely applicable as models of the world around us, there is ample opportunity for problem solving throughout this subject.
Year 11
Unit 1
Unit 1 begins with a review of the basic algebraic concepts and techniques required for a successful introduction to the study of functions and calculus. Simple relationships between variable quantities are reviewed, and these are used to introduce the key concepts of a function and its graph. The study of probability and statistics begins in this unit with a review of the fundamentals of probability, and the introduction of the concepts of conditional probability and independence. The study of the trigonometric functions begins with a consideration of the unit circle using degrees and the trigonometry of triangles and its application. Radian measure is introduced, and the graphs of the trigonometric functions are examined and their applications in a wide range of settings are explored.
Unit 2
In Unit 2, exponential functions are introduced and their properties and graphs examined. Arithmetic and geometric sequences and their applications are introduced and their recursive definitions applied. Rates and average rates of change are introduced, and this is followed by the key concept of the derivative as an ‘instantaneous rate of change’. These concepts are reinforced numerically (by calculating difference quotients), geometrically (as slopes of chords and tangents), and algebraically. This first calculus topic concludes with derivatives of polynomial functions, using simple applications of the derivative to sketch curves, calculate slopes and equations of tangents, determine instantaneous velocities, and solve optimisation problems.
Year 12
Unit 3
In this unit the study of calculus continues with the derivatives of exponential and trigonometric functions and their applications, together with some differentiation techniques and applications to optimisation problems and graph sketching. It concludes with integration, both as a process that reverses differentiation and as a way of calculating areas. The fundamental theorem of calculus as a link between differentiation and integration is emphasised. In statistics, discrete random variables are introduced, together with their uses in modelling random processes involving chance and variation. This supports the development of a framework for statistical inference.
Unit 4
The calculus in this unit deals with derivatives of logarithmic functions. In probability and statistics, continuous random variables and their applications are introduced and the normal distribution is used in a variety of contexts. The study of statistical inference in this unit is the culmination of earlier work on probability and random variables. Statistical inference is one of the most important parts of statistics, in which the goal is to estimate an unknown parameter associated with a population using a sample of data drawn from that population. In Mathematical Methods statistical inference is restricted to estimating proportions in two-outcome populations.
Mathematics and statistics provide a framework for thinking and a means of communication that is powerful, logical, concise and precise. Because both mathematics and statistics are widely applicable as models of the world around us, there is ample opportunity for problem solving throughout Mathematics Specialist. There is also a sound logical basis to this subject, and in mastering the subject students will develop logical reasoning skills to a high level.
Mathematics Specialist provides opportunities, beyond those presented in Mathematical Methods, to develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs, and to use mathematical and statistical models more extensively. Topics are developed systematically and lay the foundations for future studies in quantitative subjects in a coherent and structured fashion. Students of Mathematics Specialist will be able to appreciate the true nature of mathematics, its beauty and its functionality.
Mathematics Specialist has been designed to be taken in conjunction with Mathematical Methods. The subject contains topics in functions, calculus, probability and statistics that build on and deepen the ideas presented in Mathematical Methods and demonstrate their application in many areas. Vectors, complex numbers and matrices are introduced. Mathematics Specialist is designed for students with a strong interest in mathematics, including those intending to study mathematics, statistics, all sciences and associated fields, economics or engineering at university.
For all content areas of Mathematics Specialist, the proficiency strands of the F–10 curriculum are still applicable and should be inherent in students’ learning of the subject. These strands are Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning and they are both essential and mutually reinforcing. For all content areas, practice allows students to achieve fluency of skills, such as finding the scalar product of two vectors, or finding the area of a region contained between curves, freeing up working memory for more complex aspects of problem solving. In Mathematics Specialist, the formal explanation of reasoning through mathematical proof takes on an important role and the ability to present the solution of any problem in a logical and clear manner is of paramount importance. The ability to transfer skills learned to solve one class of problems, for example integration, to solve another class of problems, such as those in biology, kinematics or statistics, is a vital part of mathematics learning in this subject.
Mathematics Specialist is structured over four units. The topics in Unit 1 broaden students’ mathematical experience and provide different scenarios for incorporating mathematical arguments and problem solving. The unit blends algebraic and geometric thinking. In this subject there is a progression of content, applications, level of sophistication and abstraction. For example, in Unit 1 vectors for two-dimensional space are introduced and then in Unit 3 vectors are studied for three-dimensional space. The Unit 3 vector topic leads to the establishment of the equations of lines and planes and this in turn prepares students for an introduction to solving simultaneous equations in three variables. The study of calculus, which is developed in Mathematical Methods, is applied in Vectors in Unit 3 and applications of calculus and statistics in Unit 4.
Year 11
Unit 1
Unit 1 contains three topics that complement the content of Mathematical Methods. The proficiency strand, ‘Reasoning’, of the F–10 curriculum is continued explicitly in the topic ‘Geometry’ through a discussion of developing mathematical arguments. This topic also provides the opportunity to summarise and extend students’ studies in Euclidean Geometry, knowledge which is of great benefit in the later study of topics such as vectors and complex numbers. The topic ‘Combinatorics’ provides techniques that are very useful in many areas of mathematics, including probability and algebra. The topic ‘Vectors in the plane’ provides new perspectives on working with two-dimensional space, and serves as an introduction to techniques which can be extended to three-dimensional space in Unit 3. These three topics considerably broaden students’ mathematical experience and therefore begin an awakening to the breadth and utility of the subject. They also enable students to increase their mathematical flexibility and versatility.
Unit 2
Unit 2 contains three topics, ‘Trigonometry’, ‘Matrices’ and ‘Real and complex numbers’. ‘Matrices’ provides new perspectives for working with two-dimensional space, ‘Real and complex numbers’ provides a continuation of the study of numbers. The topic ‘Trigonometry’ contains techniques that are used in other topics in both this unit and Units 3 and 4. All of these topics develop students’ ability to construct mathematical arguments. The technique of proof by the principle of mathematical induction is introduced in this unit.
Year 12
Unit 3
Unit 3 of Mathematics Specialist contains three topics: ‘Vectors in three dimensions’, ‘Complex numbers’ and ‘Functions and sketching graphs’. The study of vectors was introduced in Unit 1 with a focus on vectors in two-dimensional space. In this unit, three-dimensional vectors are studied and vector equations and vector calculus are introduced, with the latter extending students’ knowledge of calculus from Mathematical Methods. Cartesian and vector equations, together with equations of planes, enables students to solve geometric problems and to solve problems involving motion in three-dimensional space. The Cartesian form of complex numbers was introduced in Unit 2, and the study of complex numbers is now extended to the polar form. The study of functions and techniques of graph sketching, begun in Mathematical Methods, is extended and applied in sketching graphs and solving problems involving integration. Access to technology to support the computational aspects of these topics is assumed.
Unit 4
Unit 4 of Mathematics Specialist contains three topics: ‘Integration and applications of integration’, ‘Rates of change and differential equations’ and ‘Statistical inference’. In Unit 4, the study of differentiation and integration of functions continues, and the calculus techniques developed in this and previous topics are applied to simple differential equations, in particular in biology and kinematics. These topics demonstrate the real-world applications of the mathematics learned throughout Mathematics Specialist. In this unit all of the students’ previous experience working with probability and statistics is drawn together in the study of statistical inference for the distribution of sample means and confidence intervals for sample means. Access to technology to support the computational aspects of these topics is assumed.
The Senior Secondary Australian Curriculum: Mathematics consists of four subjects in mathematics, with each subject organised into four units. The subjects are differentiated, each focusing on a pathway that will meet the learning needs of a particular group of senior secondary students.