Middle School

Year 9+10

Key Dates

5Fri 16 AugYear 10into11 Course Counselling (no Y10 classes running)
6Mon 19 AugYear 9into10 Course Counselling (no Y9 classes running)
Mon 20 -23 AugSchool Production - All Shook Up
7Mon 26 AugYear 9 Respectful Relationships Incursion - Period 5 + 6
8Mon 2 SepYear 9 Respectful Relationships Incursion - Period 1 + 2
Fri 6 SepFooty Colours Day
9Thu 12 SepRUOK Day - Guest Speaker - Year 9 - Period 1 
RUOK Day - Class activities - Year 9 Period 2

Work Experience Competition

Name the new Work Experience Preparation Modules Competition Results

Congratulations to competition winners Blake Hughes and Oliver Bergin from 10E for their winning entry - Finding your place in the work place. We had some great entries and it was a very close decision, thankyou to all of the entrants and to the year 9 leaders involved in judging. Blake and Oliver received a canteen voucher as their prize!

Course Counselling

Students need to wear their full school uniform to appointments. 

Reporting Absences

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Morgan Rose on 9091 8133

Celebrating Success 

. Year 9 Green Compass Posts -  Ten of our hard working students acknowledged with a green post this week. THere were too many to list them all. 

Uzma, Lincoln, Max G, Sascha, Rodney, Dane P, Ali, Isabelle V, Sofia E, Hugo